Schools history representation through the preservation of educational everyday life artifacts through the process of renovation and construction of school buildings
Elena V. Ivanova,,Ekaterina M. Barsukova,Alexandra O. Blinova,Anna E. Ter-Grigorian,,,
Perspectives of science and education
Abstract:Introduction. The relevance of the problem of studying and preserving artifacts of educational everyday life of school buildings is due to large-scale renovation and construction of educational infrastructure in Russia. Frequently, during renovation, along with the old walls, historical artifacts of everyday educational life irrevocably go into the past, and the history of the school itself disappears with its established traditions, events and ways of life. In this regard, it is very important to preserve and integrate historical artifacts of everyday school life into new school interiors, which makes it possible to create a comfortable and emotionally safe educational environment for students without losing the historical school identity. The purpose of the research is to identify approaches to representing the history of a school through the preservation of artifacts of educational everyday life in the process of renovation and construction of new school buildings. Materials and methods. Systemic and environmental approaches were used to determine the significance of the problem of preserving and representing artifacts of educational everyday life in the process of renovation of outdated funds and new construction of school buildings to maintain the emotional connection of modern students with the historical heritage of the school, its traditions, way of life, and identity. The research methods determined: analysis of theoretical sources and existing practices of working with artifacts during major repairs and construction of schools, in-depth interviews with representatives of the administration of educational organizations, photographic fixation of artifacts available in educational organizations, expert discussions at round tables and seminars at events of various levels. Results. Based on the data obtained as a result of the conducted research, five approaches to the preservation and representation of their history by educational organizations have been identified, namely: the building is considered as an artifact of a certain historical period, there is a partial preservation of interior artifacts of the past, new artifacts are being developed, a museum of artifacts of educational everyday life is being created, artifacts are used in the educational process. Conclusion. The implementation of the research results will allow us to develop new action algorithms in the renovation and design of schools, taking into account their cultural and historical heritage through the preservation of artifacts of educational everyday life and their careful inclusion in modern and updated interiors.