Genome-wide association study of varenicline-aided smoking cessation
Kayesha Coley,Qingning Wang,Richard Packer,Catherine John,Erik Abner,Kadri Reis,Estonian Biobank Research Team,Khaled F Bedair,Sundararajan Srinivasan,Sara Paciga,Craig Hyde,Robert C Free,Nicola F Reeve,David J Shepherd,Tõnu Esko,Colin Palmer,Ewan Pearson,Anders Malarstig,Martin D Tobin,Chiara Batini
Abstract:Varenicline is an α β nicotinic acetylcholine receptor partial agonist with the highest therapeutic efficacy of any pharmacological smoking cessation aid and a 12-month cessation rate of 26%. Genetic variation may be associated with varenicline response, but to date no genome-wide association studies of varenicline response have been published.
In this study, we investigated the genetic contribution to varenicline effectiveness using two electronic health record-derived phenotypes. We defined short-term varenicline effectiveness (SVE) and long-term varenicline effectiveness (LVE) by assessing smoking status at 3 and 12 months, respectively, after initiating varenicline treatment. In Stage 1, comprising five European cohort studies, we tested genome-wide associations with SVE (1,405 cases, 2,074 controls) and LVE (1,576 cases, 2,555 controls), defining sentinel variants (the most strongly associated variant within 1 megabase) with -value <5×10 to follow up in Stage 2. In Stage 2, we tested association between sentinel variants and comparable smoking cessation endpoints in varenicline randomised controlled trials. We subsequently meta-analysed Stages 1 and 2.
No variants reached genome-wide significance in the meta-analysis. In Stage 1, 10 sentinel variants were associated with SVE and five with LVE at a suggestive significance threshold ( -value <5×10 ). None of these sentinels were previously implicated in varenicline-aided smoking cessation or in genetic studies of smoking behaviour.
We provide initial insights into the biological underpinnings of varenicline-aided smoking cessation, through implicating genes involved in various processes, including gene expression, cilium assembly and early-stage development.
Genetic and Genomic Medicine