Transverse momentum dependence of eta meson suppression in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV

A. Adare,S. Afanasiev,C. Aidala,N. N. Ajitanand,Y. Akiba,H. Al-Bataineh,J. Alexander,K. Aoki,L. Aphecetche,Y. Aramaki,J. Asai,E. T. Atomssa,R. Averbeck,T. C. Awes,B. Azmoun,V. Babintsev,M. Bai,G. Baksay,L. Baksay,A. Baldisseri,K. N. Barish,P. D. Barnes,B. Bassalleck,A. T. Basye,S. Bathe,S. Batsouli,V. Baublis,C. Baumann,A. Bazilevsky,S. Belikov,R. Belmont,R. Bennett,A. Berdnikov,Y. Berdnikov,A. A. Bickley,J. G. Boissevain,J. S. Bok,H. Borel,K. Boyle,M. L. Brooks,H. Buesching,V. Bumazhnov,G. Bunce,S. Butsyk,C. M. Camacho,S. Campbell,B. S. Chang,W. C. Chang,J. -L. Charvet,C. -H. Chen,S. Chernichenko,C. Y. Chi,M. Chiu,I. J. Choi,R. K. Choudhury,P. Christiansen,T. Chujo,P. Chung,A. Churyn,O. Chvala,V. Cianciolo,Z. Citron,B. A. Cole,M. Connors,P. Constantin,M. Csanád,T. Csörgő,T. Dahms,S. Dairaku,I. Danchev,K. Das,A. Datta,G. David,A. Denisov,D. d'Enterria,A. Deshpande,E. J. Desmond,O. Dietzsch,A. Dion,M. Donadelli,O. Drapier,A. Drees,K. A. Drees,A. K. Dubey,J. M. Durham,A. Durum,D. Dutta,V. Dzhordzhadze,S. Edwards,Y. V. Efremenko,F. Ellinghaus,T. Engelmore,A. Enokizono,H. En'yo,S. Esumi,K. O. Eyser,B. Fadem,D. E. Fields,M. Finger,,M. Finger,F. Fleuret,S. L. Fokin,Z. Fraenkel,J. E. Frantz,A. Franz,A. D. Frawley,K. Fujiwara,Y. Fukao,T. Fusayasu,I. Garishvili,A. Glenn,H. Gong,M. Gonin,J. Gosset,Y. Goto,R. Granier de Cassagnac,N. Grau,S. V. Greene,M. Grosse Perdekamp,T. Gunji,H. -Å. Gustafsson,A. Hadj Henni,J. S. Haggerty,K. I. Hahn,H. Hamagaki,J. Hamblen,J. Hanks,R. Han,E. P. Hartouni,K. Haruna,E. Haslum,R. Hayano,M. Heffner,S. Hegyi,T. K. Hemmick,T. Hester,X. He,J. C. Hill,M. Hohlmann,W. Holzmann,K. Homma,B. Hong,T. Horaguchi,D. Hornback,S. Huang,T. Ichihara,R. Ichimiya,J. Ide,H. Iinuma,Y. Ikeda,K. Imai,J. Imrek,M. Inaba,D. Isenhower,M. Ishihara,T. Isobe,M. Issah,A. Isupov,D. Ivanischev,B. V. Jacak,J. Jia,J. Jin,B. M. Johnson,K. S. Joo,D. Jouan,D. S. Jumper,F. Kajihara,S. Kametani,N. Kamihara,J. Kamin,J. H. Kang,J. Kapustinsky,D. Kawall,M. Kawashima,A. V. Kazantsev,T. Kempel,A. Khanzadeev,K. M. Kijima,J. Kikuchi,B. I. Kim,D. H. Kim,D. J. Kim,E. J. Kim,E. Kim,S. H. Kim,Y. J. Kim,E. Kinney,K. Kiriluk,{Á}. Kiss,E. Kistenev,J. Klay,C. Klein-Boesing,L. Kochenda,B. Komkov,M. Konno,J. Koster,D. Kotchetkov,A. Kozlov,A. Král,A. Kravitz,G. J. Kunde,K. Kurita,M. Kurosawa,M. J. Kweon,Y. Kwon,G. S. Kyle,R. Lacey,Y. S. Lai,J. G. Lajoie,D. Layton,A. Lebedev,D. M. Lee,J. Lee,K. B. Lee,K. Lee,K. S. Lee,T. Lee,M. J. Leitch,M. A. L. Leite,E. Leitner,B. Lenzi,P. Liebing,L. A. Linden Levy,T. Liška,A. Litvinenko,H. Liu,M. X. Liu,X. Li,B. Love,R. Luechtenborg,D. Lynch,C. F. Maguire,Y. I. Makdisi,A. Malakhov,M. D. Malik,V. I. Manko,E. Mannel,Y. Mao,L. Mašek,H. Masui,F. Matathias,M. McCumber,P. L. McGaughey,N. Means,B. Meredith,Y. Miake,A. C. Mignerey,P. Mikeš,K. Miki,A. Milov,M. Mishra,J. T. Mitchell,A. K. Mohanty,Y. Morino,A. Morreale,D. P. Morrison,T. V. Moukhanova,D. Mukhopadhyay,J. Murata,S. Nagamiya,J. L. Nagle,M. Naglis,M. I. Nagy,I. Nakagawa,Y. Nakamiya,T. Nakamura,K. Nakano,J. Newby,M. Nguyen,T. Niita,R. Nouicer,A. S. Nyanin,E. O'Brien,S. X. Oda,C. A. Ogilvie,K. Okada,M. Oka,Y. Onuki,A. Oskarsson,M. Ouchida,K. Ozawa,R. Pak,A. P. T. Palounek,V. Pantuev,V. Papavassiliou,I. H. Park,J. Park,S. K. Park,W. J. Park,S. F. Pate,H. Pei,J. -C. Peng,H. Pereira,V. Peresedov,D. Yu. Peressounko,C. Pinkenburg,R. P. Pisani,M. Proissl,M. L. Purschke,A. K. Purwar,H. Qu,J. Rak,A. Rakotozafindrabe,I. Ravinovich,K. F. Read,S. Rembeczki,K. Reygers,V. Riabov,Y. Riabov,E. Richardson,D. Roach,G. Roche,S. D. Rolnick,M. Rosati,C. A. Rosen,S. S. E. Rosendahl,P. Rosnet,P. Rukoyatkin,P. Ružička,V. L. Rykov,B. Sahlmueller,N. Saito,T. Sakaguchi,S. Sakai,K. Sakashita,V. Samsonov,S. Sano,T. Sato,S. Sawada,K. Sedgwick,J. Seele,R. Seidl,A. Yu. Semenov,V. Semenov,R. Seto,D. Sharma,I. Shein,T. -A. Shibata,K. Shigaki,M. Shimomura,K. Shoji,P. Shukla,A. Sickles,C. L. Silva,D. Silvermyr,C. Silvestre,K. S. Sim,B. K. Singh,C. P. Singh,V. Singh,M. Slunečka,A. Soldatov,R. A. Soltz,W. E. Sondheim,S. P. Sorensen,I. V. Sourikova,N. A. Sparks,F. Staley,P. W. Stankus,E. Stenlund,M. Stepanov,A. Ster,S. P. Stoll,T. Sugitate,C. Suire,A. Sukhanov,J. Sziklai,E. M. Takagui,A. Taketani,R. Tanabe,Y. Tanaka,K. Tanida,M. J. Tannenbaum,S. Tarafdar,A. Taranenko,P. Tarján,H. Themann,T. L. Thomas,M. Togawa,A. Toia,L. Tomášek,Y. Tomita,H. Torii,R. S. Towell,V-N. Tram,I. Tserruya,Y. Tsuchimoto,C. Vale,H. Valle,H. W. van Hecke,E. Vazquez-Zambrano,A. Veicht,J. Velkovska,R. Vértesi,A. A. Vinogradov,M. Virius,V. Vrba,E. Vznuzdaev,X. R. Wang,D. Watanabe,K. Watanabe,Y. Watanabe,F. Wei,R. Wei,J. Wessels,S. N. White,D. Winter,J. P. Wood,C. L. Woody,R. M. Wright,M. Wysocki,W. Xie,Y. L. Yamaguchi,K. Yamaura,R. Yang,A. Yanovich,J. Ying,S. Yokkaichi,G. R. Young,I. Younus,Z. You,I. E. Yushmanov,W. A. Zajc,O. Zaudtke,C. Zhang,S. Zhou,L. Zolin,N.N. Ajitanand,E.T. Atomssa,T.C. Awes,K.N. Barish,P.D. Barnes,A.T. Basye,A.A. Bickley,J.G. Boissevain,J.S. Bok,M.L. Brooks,C.M. Camacho,B.S. Chang,W.C. Chang,J.-L. Charvet,C.-H. Chen,C.Y. Chi,I.J. Choi,R.K. Choudhury,B.A. Cole,E.J. Desmond,K.A. Drees,A.K. Dubey,J.M. Durham,Y.V. Efremenko,K.O. Eyser,D.E. Fields,M. Finger Jr.,et al. (327 additional authors not shown)
Nuclear Experiment
Abstract:New measurements by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC for eta production at midrapidity as a function of transverse momentum (p_T) and collision centrality in sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV Au+Au and p+p collisions are presented. They indicate nuclear modification factors (R_AA) that are similar both in magnitude and trend to those found in earlier pi^0 measurements. Linear fits to R_AA in the 5--20 GeV/c p_T region show that the slope is consistent with zero within two standard deviations at all centralities although a slow rise cannot be excluded. Having different statistical and systematic uncertainties the pi^0 and eta measurements are complementary at high p_T; thus, along with the extended p_T range of these data they can provide additional constraints for theoretical modeling and the extraction of transport properties.
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