Andromeda's tenuous veil: extensive nebular emission near (yet far from) M31
A. Lumbreras-Calle,J. A. Fernández-Ontiveros,R. Infante-Sainz,M. Akhlaghi,B. Montoro-Molina,B. Pérez-Díaz,A. del Pino,H. Vives-Arias,A. Hernán-Caballero,C. López-Sanjuan,M. A. Martín-Guerrero,S. Eskandarlou,A. Ederoclite
Abstract:A large, faint nebula was unexpectedly discovered near M31 using narrowband [O III] images. Its apparent size and the lack of a clear counterpart at other wavelengths make it unique and challenging to explain. We aim to determine whether the nebula is extragalactic or located within the Milky Way. This will enable us to constrain its physical properties and assess its nature. To do so, we obtained deep narrowband [O II]3727 and H$\alpha$+[NII] observations with the JAST80 telescope at the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre, as well as high-spectral-resolution spectroscopy at four locations within the region of interest using MEGARA at the Gran Telescopio Canarias. We found extended [O II] emission along two near-parallel strands to the [O III], offset by six arcmin. The nebular spectra reveals up to 6 emission lines from [O III]4959,5007, H$\beta$, [N II]6583, and [S II]6716,6731. Their receding velocities are above $-$40 km s$^{-1}$, far from the systemic velocity of M31 ($-$300 km s$^{-1}$). The fluxes and velocities are consistent for the same lines across different regions of the nebula. The nebular properties suggest a location within the Milky Way rather than being physically associated with M31. The most likely scenario is a resolved ionization structure in a Galactic nebula with a separation between [O II] and [O III] of a few parsecs. The observed receding velocities would be unprecedented for an object physically linked to M31 but are common for nearby gas filaments. Their consistency across the nebula would also be unusual if it were larger than a kiloparsec. The analysis of the emission-line ratios, line widths, and morphology suggests the possibility of it being an interstellar gas filament with an additional source of ionization to explain the [O III] emission. However, the complex properties of this object call for further observations to confirm its nature.
Astrophysics of Galaxies