Late diagnosis of partial 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 deficiency - characterization of a new genetic variant
Cagla Margit Øzdemir,Mette Mølby Nielsen,Jani Liimatta,Clarissa D Voegel,Rawda Naamneh Elzenaty,Victor S Wasehuus,Marie Lind-Holst,Marie Juul Ornstrup,Stine Bjørn Gram,Lilian Bomme Ousager,Christa E Flück,Claus H Gravholt
Abstract:Summary: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is one of the most common inherited rare endocrine disorders. This case report presents two female siblings with delayed diagnosis of non-classical CAH 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (3βHSD2D/HSD3B2) despite early hospital admission and apparent CAH manifestations such as infections, hirsutism, menstrual disturbances, and PCOS phenotype. Initially, sister 1 was misdiagnosed with PCOS and then 11-hydroxylase deficiency (CYP11B1), based on ultrasound, biochemical findings, and negative genetic testing for 21-hydroxylase deficiency (CYP21A2). Additional diagnostic workup was performed when sister 2also presented with symptoms of androgen excess. Genetic testing for CAH/steroid disorders finally revealed that both siblings were compound heterozygous for two variants in the HSD3B2 gene: a frameshift variant, c.558dup, p.(Thr187Hisfs*17) and a novel missense variant, c.65T>C, p.(Leu22Ser). A Synacthen test showed an insufficient cortisol increase. In vitro studies of the variants in a cell model revealed loss of function for the p.(Thr187Hisfs*17) and partial activity for p.(Leu22Ser) confirming non-classic CAH. Overlapping symptomatology and lack of specialized knowledge on steroid biosynthesis and associated rarest forms of CAH may explain the delayed diagnosis. However, with newer diagnostic methods comprising a less biased approach, very rare forms of non-classical CAH may no longer be overlooked in the future. Learning points: Non-classic 3βHSD2 is likely underdiagnosed. Late diagnosis of mild non-classic 3βHSD2 does occur and one should be aware of this diagnosis. Early diagnosis of NCCAH may prevent many consequences such as severe hirsutism, prolonged menstrual irregularities, infertility, or even adrenal crisis with severe infections. Comprehensive steroid profiling and genetic testing should be used earlier, especially when in doubt about a diagnosis.