Mercury (II) and methylmercury determination in waters by liquid chromatography hyphenated to cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry after online short-column preconcentration

S. Moreno,C. Palomino,R. Gascón,J. F. Sánchez,Àngels Sahuquillo Estrugo
Abstract:9 This paper reports a method developed for the simultaneous determination of 10 methylmercury (MeHg + ) and mercury (II) (Hg 2+ ) species in waters by liquid 11 chromatography coupled to online UV irradiation and cold vapour atomic fluorescence 12 spectroscopy (LC-UV-CV-AFS) after online short-column preconcentration. This work 13 focused on systematic studies of several variables to establish the maximum species 14 recoveries, preconcentration factors and good reproducibility. The optimum results 15 obtained were the following: 2-mercaptoethanol 0.07 mmol L -1 as a complexing agent, 16 precolumn conditioning with the mobile phase: a mixture of 80 % of Methanol (MeOH) 17 and 20 % of the following buffer: 0.0015 mol L –1 ammonium pyrrolidine 18 dithiocarbamate (APDC) and 0.01 mol L –1 ammonium acetate (NH4CH3COO) at pH 19 5.5, 2 cm precolumn length and 2 mL min -1 sample flow. 20 The method was applied to three water samples with different mineralisation content. 21 Various tests, based on spikes, were performed on each sample. A breakthrough volume 22 of 4 mL was found. Recovery values of 72±3% and 81±5% for MeHg + and Hg 2+ , 23 respectively, were obtained regardless of the matrix composition, and the PF values 24 were 30 and 32 for MeHg + and Hg 2+ , respectively. 25 Page 2 of 29 Analytical Methods 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 A na ly tic al M et ho ds A cc ep te d M an us cr ip t
Chemistry,Environmental Science
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