MYMathApps Calculus: Maple Plots
Philip Yasskin
Maple Transactions
Abstract:I am writing an online Calculus text called MYMathApps Calculus. You can see a sample at text is highly interactive and visual. Nearly all of the graphics have been made with Maple, both 2D and 3D, static and animated. The use of plots and animated plots helps students understand concepts such as
the definitions of a derivative as the limit of slopes of secant lines, an integral as limits of Riemann sums, partial derivatives as slopes of traces, curvature and torsion, tangential and normal acceleration, divergence and curl, multiple integrals, curvilinear coordinates and Jacobians.
the proofs of the triangle inequality, the mean value theorem and formulas for applications of integrals.
plotting functions, polar curves, and parametric curves and surfaces.
solving applied problems involving linear approximation, related rates, max/min, area, arc length, surface area, volumes by slicing, volumes of revolution, work, mixing problems, geometric series, Taylor series, directional derivatives, Lagrange multipliers, expansion and circulation.
how to use the right hand rule in Green’s, Stokes’ and Gauss’ theorems.