Interaction-induced phases in the half-filled Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model in one dimension
Roberta Favata,Davide Piccioni,Alberto Parola,Federico Becca
Abstract:We explore the ground-state properties of a one-dimensional model with two orbitals per site, where, in addition to atomic energies $\pm M$, intra- and inter-orbital hoppings, the intra-orbital Hubbard ($U$) and nearest-neighbor density-density ($V$) repulsions are included. Our results are primarily based upon a Jastrow-Slater wave function and variational Monte Carlo methods, but also corroborated by density-matrix renormalization group calculations. In the non-interacting limit, when varying $M>0$, a gapless point separates a trivial phase from a topological one. The inclusion of a finite Hubbard-$U$ repulsion does not give rise to any phase transition within the topological region, inducing a smooth crossover into a Haldane (spin gapped) insulator; notably, the string-order parameter, which characterizes the latter phase, is already finite in the non-interacting limit. Most importantly, at finite values of $U$, the transition between the trivial and topological states is not direct, since an emergent insulator, which shows evidence of sustaining gapless spin excitations, intrudes between them. A small $V$ interaction further stabilizes the intermediate insulator, while a sufficiently large value of this nearest-neighbor repulsion gives rise to two different charge-density wave insulators, one fully gapped and another still supporting gapless spin excitations. Our results demonstrate the richness of multi-orbital Hubbard models, in presence of a topologically non-trivial band structure, and serve as a basis for future investigations on similar two-dimensional models.
Strongly Correlated Electrons