Recent Progress in Study of Singular Perturbation Problems
Jia-qi Mo,Ming-kang Ni
Journal of Shanghai University (English Edition)
Abstract:Some results for the singular perturbation theory, methods and applications in the new century are reviewed in this paper. It could be found that in the recent decade, many approximate methods have been developed and refined, including the method of averaging, boundary layer methods, methods of matched asymptotic expansion and methods of multiple scales. An overview is given on the new work about various problems, such as the reaction diffusion, turning points, boundary layers, shock waves, stability problem, solitons, attractors, canard solution, scattering light wave and neuron network, etc. And then, a great number of applied problems are solved in applied mathematics, computational mathematics, fluid mechanics, elastic mechanics, optics, thermophysics, quantum mechanics, plasm physics, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, epidemiology, neurology, engineering science, environment science, bionomics, atmosphere physics, ocean climate, aeronautics and astrnatics and so on, from which only some examples are extracted and described in this review.