A Review of Game Theory Analysis in Cognitive Radar Anti-jamming

Hongtao Su,Bin He
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11999/JEIT200843
Abstract:The core research contents of radar countermeasures are the games of countermeasures between jamming strategies and anti-jamming strategies. As a hotspot in the field of electronic warfare, radar countermeasures have been paid much attention by scholars. This paper summarizes that the scholars employ the cooperative and non-cooperative game methods to analyze the radar against jamming while probing targets. Different radar systems make use of cognitive techniques perceive and learn the complex electromagnetic environment, and reasonably allocate transmitting power, control coding sequence, design waveform, investigate detection and tracking methods and allocate resources of radar communication etc. In this way, radar can not only reduce power consumption, but also search and track the target without being detected by the enemy. Thus, radar can achieve its optimal performance in the complex and changeable modern battlefield environment. Finally, game theory in cognitive radar anti-jamming is summarized and prospected, and it also points out some potential problems and challenges of game theory in cognitive radar anti-jamming.
Physics,Computer Science,Engineering
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