Remote C-H functionalization: using the N-O moiety as an atom-economical tether to obtain 1,5- and the rare 1,7-C-H insertions.
Jingxin Wang,B. Štefane,Deana Jaber,Jacqueline Smith,Christopher Vickery,Mouhamed Diop,H. Sintim
Angewandte Chemie
Abstract:Contemporary organic synthesis faces the demands of improving its efficiency by redox and atom economy, including achieving superior chemo-, regio-, and stereoselectivity. Consequently, there has been great interest in the transformations of inert C H bonds, as these open up new avenues in synthesis. Significant progress has been made towards site-selective C H-insertion reactions, but this field still presents major challenges owing to the ubiquitous nature of C H bonds in organic molecules. The regioselectivity of C H insertions is governed by electronic, steric, and conformational factors. In non-constrained systems, intramolecular C H-insertion reactions predominately afford five-membered rings. Three, four, six, and rarely highermembered rings can only be obtained by intramolecular C H insertion if the system is specially constrained, contains special moieties, or if the C H bond is activated by a heteroatom. Thus far, not many systems have been shown to afford rings larger than five-membered rings without the need to bias the system. The discovery of new rules and tethers that facilitate the construction of bigger ring sizes by C H insertion will enable the remote functionalization of complex molecules. Tethering reacting partners together can lead to better regioand stereoselectivities, but this selectivity can be negated if the tether is difficult to remove or transform into other moieties. New tethers that can either be readily transformed into other functionalities or do not limit C H insertion to specific ring sizes are highly desirable. Herein, we identify N-alkoxy-N-alkyl amides as atom-economical tethers for C H-insertion reactions to give amino-hydroxy functionalized systems. We demonstrate, using both computational and experimental methods, that this tether facilitates remote C H functionalization reactions, and that the C H insertion site selectivity using this particular tether can be modulated by the reaction conditions and/or the electronics of the ligand of the dirhodium catalyst. The use of the nitro group to introduce amino-hydroxy groups into complex molecules through different stereoselective strategies has been elegantly demonstrated by the Denmark group and others. Along this line, we reasoned that C H-insertion reactions using an N O tether that is obtained from the transformation of a chiral heteroatom could be a simple way to stereoselectively introduce aminoalcohol functionality into complex molecules. The N O moiety is a perfect atom-economical tether because several mild methods are available for the facile cleavage of the N O bond with complete retention of the atoms that constitute the tether. Thus far, the use of an N O tether to direct C C bond formation through carbenoid insertion is under-developed. N O-tethered intramolecular C H insertion via an entropically favorable six-membered transition state (TS) would enable insertion alpha to the oxygen atom to give compound B whereas compound C would be obtained by insertion into the C H bond, which is beta to the oxygen atom in diazo substrate A (Scheme 1). Because enantiopure secondary alcohols can be readily obtained using a myriad of methods, such as the asymmetric reduction of ketones, difficult-toobtain enantiopure tertiary alcohols can be accessed after N O cleavage. Conversely, N O-tethered intramolecular C H insertion via an eight-membered TS to give seven-membered ring products would enable the functionalization of a remote center using an existing heteroatom moiety (compound D, Scheme 1). A challenge in using amide tethers in C Hinsertion reactions to obtain remote functionalized products is to design strategies that can bias the conformer equilibrium to achieve site-specific functionalization (A1 or A2 ; Scheme 2). For N-alkoxy-N-alkyl diazo compounds, the conformation whereby the alkoxy moiety is positioned trans to the carbonyl functionality (A1; Scheme 2) is at least