Ergodic measures in minimal group actions with finite topological sequence entropy
Chunlin Liu,Xiangtong Wang,Leiye Xu
Abstract:Let $G$ be an infinite discrete countable group and $(X,G)$ be a minimal $G$-system. In this paper, we prove the supremum of topological sequence entropy of $(X,G)$ is not less than $\log(\sum_{\mu\in\mathcal{M}^e(X,G)}e^{h_\mu^*(X,G)})$. If additionally $G$ is abelian then there is a constant $K\in\mathbb{N}\cup\{\infty\}$ with $\log K\le h_{top}^*(X,G)$ such that $\nu(\{y\in H:|\pi^{-1}(y)|=K\})=1$ where $(H,G)$ is the maximal equicontinuous factor of $(X,G)$, $\pi:(X,G)\to (H,G)$ is the factor map and $\nu$ is the Haar measure of $H$.
Dynamical Systems