Strange particle production in collisions at GeV

BI Abelev, J Adams, MM Aggarwal, Z Ahammed, J Amonett, BD Anderson, M Anderson, D Arkhipkin, GS Averichev, Y Bai, J Balewski, O Barannikova, LS Barnby, J Baudot, S Bekele, VV Belaga, A Bellingeri-Laurikainen, R Bellwied, F Benedosso, S Bhardwaj, A Bhasin, AK Bhati, H Bichsel, J Bielcik, J Bielcikova, LC Bland, S-L Blyth, BE Bonner, M Botje, J Bouchet, AV Brandin, A Bravar, TP Burton, M Bystersky, RV Cadman, XZ Cai, H Caines, M Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, J Castillo, O Catu, D Cebra, Z Chajecki, P Chaloupka, S Chattopadhyay, HF Chen, JH Chen, J Cheng, M Cherney, A Chikanian, W Christie, JP Coffin, TM Cormier, MR Cosentino, JG Cramer, HJ Crawford, D Das, S Das, S Dash, M Daugherity, MM de Moura, TG Dedovich, M DePhillips, AA Derevschikov, L Didenko, T Dietel, P Djawotho, SM Dogra, WJ Dong, X Dong, JE Draper, F Du, VB Dunin, JC Dunlop, MR Dutta Mazumdar, V Eckardt, WR Edwards, LG Efimov, V Emelianov, J Engelage, G Eppley, B Erazmus, Magali Estienne, P Fachini, R Fatemi, J Fedorisin, K Filimonov, P Filip, E Finch, V Fine, Y Fisyak, J Fu, Carl A Gagliardi, L Gaillard, MS Ganti, V Ghazikhanian, P Ghosh, JE Gonzalez, YG Gorbunov, H Gos, O Grebenyuk, D Grosnick, SM Guertin, KSFF Guimaraes, A Gupta, Thomas D Gutierrez, B Haag, TJ Hallman, A Hamed, JW Harris, W He, M Heinz, TW Henry, S Hepplemann, B Hippolyte, A Hirsch, E Hjort, AM Hoffman, GW Hoffmann, MJ Horner, HZ Huang, SL Huang, EW Hughes, TJ Humanic, G Igo, P Jacobs, WW Jacobs, P Jakl, F Jia, H Jiang, PG Jones, EG Judd, S Kabana, K Kang, J Kapitan, M Kaplan, D Keane, A Kechechyan, V Yu Khodyrev, BC Kim, J Kiryluk, A Kisiel, EM Kislov, SR Klein, A Kocoloski, DD Koetke, T Kollegger, M Kopytine, L Kotchenda, V Kouchpil, KL Kowalik
Abstract:We present strange particle spectra and yields measured at midrapidity in GeV proton-proton () collisions at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). We find that the previously observed universal transverse mass () scaling of hadron production in collisions seems to break down at higher and that there is a difference in the shape of the spectrum between baryons and mesons. We observe midrapidity antibaryon to baryon ratios near unity for Λ and Ξ baryons and no dependence of the ratio on transverse momentum, indicating that our data do not yet reach the quark-jet dominated region. We show the dependence of the mean transverse momentum on measured charged particle multiplicity and on particle mass and infer that these trends are consistent with gluon-jet dominated particle production. The data are compared with previous measurements made at the …
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