Functional Analysis of Classical Music in Film : Focused on < On Chesil Beach

Abstract:This thesis explores the relationship between Dominic Cooke's film <On Chesil Beach> (2017) and classical music. To analyze the relationship, researchers applied precedent research to the study. The relationship between the final scene of the movie King's Speech (2010) and the volume and instrumental changes of the Beethoven Symphony is analyzed by David Bashwiner, and Soohwan Ahn analyzed semantic association between the hotel conversation scene in a <Green Book, 2018> and Debussy's Arabesque. In addition, the study of application of Schumann's Träumerei to films was used as a methodology to find out how extra-musical information build meaningful sonority. Mozart's K.593, Haydn's Op.77 No.1, and Schubert's D.810 were used in the movie <On Chesil beach>. This study analyzed the functions of Mozart, Haydn, and Schubert's music in <On Chesil beach>. In order to express the relationship between the characters and their inner intentions, this film utilized the relationship between instruments, musical information and non-musical information of the pieces. Through this study, it is analyzed that the information of classical music functions and the core information of the plot of the movie combine together to improve the understanding of narrative. ■ keyword :∣On Chesil Beach∣Den Jones∣Classical Music in Films∣Music and Image∣ 접수일자 : 2022년 02월 03일 수정일자 : 2022년 03월 18일 심사완료일 : 2022년 03월 18일 교신저자 : 안수환, e-mail : 영화 속 클래식 음악의 기능분석 : 영화 <체실비치에서>를 중심으로 153
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