The Strong Force meets the Dark Sector: a robust estimate of QCD uncertainties for anti-matter dark matter searches
Adil Jueid,Jochem Kip,Roberto Ruiz de Austri,Peter Skands
Abstract:In dark-matter annihilation channels to hadronic final states, stable particles -- such as positrons, photons, antiprotons, and antineutrinos -- are produced via complex sequences of phenomena including QED/QCD radiation, hadronisation, and hadron decays. These processes are normally modelled by Monte Carlo event generators whose limited accuracy imply intrinsic QCD uncertainties on the predictions for indirect-detection experiments like Fermi-LAT, Pamela, IceCube or AMS-02. In this article, we perform a complete analysis of QCD uncertainties in antimatter spectra from dark-matter annihilation, based on parametric variations of the Pythia 8 event generator. After performing several retunings of light-quark fragmentation functions, we define a set of variations that span a conservative estimate of the QCD uncertainties. We estimate the effects on antimatter spectra for various annihilation channels and final-state particle species, and discuss their impact on fitted values for the dark-matter mass and thermally-averaged annihilation cross section. We find dramatic impacts which can go up to $\mathcal{O}(40)$ GeV for uncertainties on the dark-matter mass and up to $\mathcal{O}(10\%)$ for the annihilation cross section. We provide the spectra in tabulated form including QCD uncertainties and code snippets to perform fast dark-matter fits, in this <a class="link-external link-https" href="" rel="external noopener nofollow">this https URL</a> repository.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology,High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena