The Effect of MindMeister Application on the Students’ Engagement and Achievement to Teach Reading Comprehension at Seventh Grade SMP Tahfizhul Qur’an Pangeran Diponegoro Semarang
Fitrie Amaelia,Sri Wuli Fitriati,Januarius Mujianto
International Journal of Research and Review
Abstract:This research aimed to explain the effect of the Mind Meister application on student achievement and engagement to teach reading comprehension at seventh grade at SMP Tahfidzul Qur’an Pangeran Diponegoro Semarang. The researcher used pre-experimental research. This research consisted one group pretest and posttest experimental design. The score of pretest and posttest will calculate in achievement students reading comprehension by using Mind Meister application, then the questionnaire conducted for the engagement students on the reading comprehension by using Mind Meister application. There are 85 students on this research of seventh grade. The Mind Meister application on the student’s engagement was from the test of ANOVA showed that there is effect Mind Meister Application on the students’ engagement. The sig. of the study is 0,002 it is < from 0,05. If the sig. < 0,05 it can be assumed that there is effect using Mind Meister Application on the student’s engagement. The result of the effect Mind Meister application on the student’s achievement was from the data showed the mean score of pre-tests of students was 75,52. Whereas, the mean score of the posttest 79,26. It increased 4,26 points. The difference between the mean pretest and posttest scores showed the significance of the students with the use of MindMeister application to teach reading comprehension. Keywords: achievement, effect, engagement, Mind Meister Application, reading comprehension
English Else