Graph Classes with Locally Irregular Chromatic Index at most 4
Hui Lei,Xiaopan Lian,Yongtang Shi,Ran Zhao
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Abstract:graph G is said to be locally irregular if each pair of adjacent vertices have different degrees in G . A collection of edge disjoint subgraphs (G_1,… ,G_k) of G is called a k-locally irregular decomposition of G if (E(G_1),… ,E(G_k)) is an edge partition of G and each G_i is locally irregular for i∈{1,… ,k} . The locally irregular chromatic index of G , denoted by χ '_irr(G) , is the smallest integer k such that G can be decomposed into k locally irregular subgraphs. A graph G is said to be decomposable if χ '_irr(G) is finite, otherwise, G is exceptional . The Local Irregularity Conjecture states that all connected graphs admit a 3-locally irregular decomposition except for odd paths, odd cycles, and a certain subclass of cacti. Recently, Sedlar and Škrekovski showed that there exists a graph G which is a cactus such that χ '_irr(G)=4 . In this paper, we mainly prove that if G is a decomposable cactus, then χ '_irr(G)≤ 4 ; if G is a decomposable cactus without nontrivial cut edges, then χ '_irr(G)≤ 3 . In addition, we show that in a decomposable subcubic graph G if each vertex of degree 3 lies on a triangle, then χ '_irr(G)≤ 3 . By establishing algorithms, we obtain χ '_irr(K_n-C_ℓ )≤ 3 for 3≤ℓ≤ n-1 .