A control oriented strategy of disruption prediction to avoid the configuration collapse of tokamak reactors

Andrea Murari,Riccardo Rossi,Teddy Craciunescu,Jesús Vega,Michela Gelfusa,J. Mailloux,N. Abid,K. Abraham,P. Abreu,O. Adabonyan,P. Adrich,V. Afanasev,M. Afzal,T. Ahlgren,L. Aho-Mantila,N. Aiba,M. Airila,M. Akhtar,R. Albanese,M. Alderson-Martin,D. Alegre,S. Aleiferis,A. Aleksa,A. G. Alekseev,E. Alessi,P. Aleynikov,J. Algualcil,M. Ali,M. Allinson,B. Alper,E. Alves,G. Ambrosino,R. Ambrosino,V. Amosov,E. Andersson Sundén,P. Andrew,B. M. Angelini,C. Angioni,I. Antoniou,L. C. Appel,C. Appelbee,S. Aria,M. Ariola,G. Artaserse,W. Arter,V. Artigues,N. Asakura,A. Ash,N. Ashikawa,V. Aslanyan,M. Astrain,O. Asztalos,D. Auld,F. Auriemma,Y. Austin,L. Avotina,E. Aymerich,A. Baciero,F. Bairaktaris,J. Balbin,L. Balbinot,I. Balboa,M. Balden,C. Balshaw,N. Balshaw,V. K. Bandaru,J. Banks,Yu. F. Baranov,C. Barcellona,A. Barnard,M. Barnard,R. Barnsley,A. Barth,M. Baruzzo,S. Barwell,M. Bassan,A. Batista,P. Batistoni,L. Baumane,B. Bauvir,L. Baylor,P. S. Beaumont,D. Beckett,A. Begolli,M. Beidler,N. Bekris,M. 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Ventre,G. Verdoolaege,C. Verona,G. Verona Rinati,E. Veshchev,N. Vianello,E. Viezzer,L. Vignitchouk,R. Vila,R. Villari,F. Villone,P. Vincenzi,I. Vinyar,B. Viola,A. J. Virtanen,A. Vitins,Z. Vizvary,G. Vlad,M. Vlad,P. Vondráček,P. de Vries,B. Wakeling,N. R. Walkden,M. Walker,R. Walker,M. Walsh,E. Wang,N. Wang,S. Warder,R. Warren,J. Waterhouse,C. Watts,T. Wauters,A. Weckmann,H. Wedderburn Maxwell,M. Weiland,H. Weisen,M. Weiszflog,P. Welch,N. Wendler,A. West,M. Wheatley,S. Wheeler,A. Whitehead,D. Whittaker,A. Widdowson,S. Wiesen,J. Wilkinson,J. C. Williams,D. Willoughby,I. Wilson,J. Wilson,T. Wilson,M. Wischmeier,P. Wise,G. Withenshaw,A. Withycombe,D. Witts,A. Wojcik-Gargula,E. Wolfrum,R. Wood,C. Woodley,R. Woodley,B. Woods,J. Wright,J. C. Wright,T. Xu,D. Yadikin,M. Yajima,Y. Yakovenko,Y. Yang,W. Yanling,V. Yanovskiy,I. Young,R. Young,R. J. Zabolockis,J. Zacks,R. Zagorski,F. S. Zaitsev,L. Zakharov,A. Zarins,D. Zarzoso Fernandez,K. -D. Zastrow,Y. Zayachuk,M. Zerbini,W. Zhang,Y. Zhou,M. Zlobinski,A. Zocco,A. Zohar,V. Zoita,S. Zoletnik,V. K. Zotta,I. Zoulias,W. Zwingmann,I. Zychor,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-46242-7
IF: 16.6
Nature Communications
Abstract:Abstract The objective of thermonuclear fusion consists of producing electricity from the coalescence of light nuclei in high temperature plasmas. The most promising route to fusion envisages the confinement of such plasmas with magnetic fields, whose most studied configuration is the tokamak. Disruptions are catastrophic collapses affecting all tokamak devices and one of the main potential showstoppers on the route to a commercial reactor. In this work we report how, deploying innovative analysis methods on thousands of JET experiments covering the isotopic compositions from hydrogen to full tritium and including the major D-T campaign, the nature of the various forms of collapse is investigated in all phases of the discharges. An original approach to proximity detection has been developed, which allows determining both the probability of and the time interval remaining before an incoming disruption, with adaptive, from scratch, real time compatible techniques. The results indicate that physics based prediction and control tools can be developed, to deploy realistic strategies of disruption avoidance and prevention, meeting the requirements of the next generation of devices.
multidisciplinary sciences
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The paper attempts to address the issue of avoiding plasma configuration disruptions (i.e., "disruptions") in tokamak reactors. Specifically, it explores how to predict these disruptions through innovative analytical methods and develop real-time compatible techniques to determine the probability of an impending disruption and its remaining time. These issues are particularly important for future large machines, such as ITER (the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor under construction in southern France) and DEMO (the demonstration reactor), because disruptions can lead to sudden plasma extinction, potentially causing catastrophic impacts on the equipment. The main objectives of the paper include: 1. **Prediction and Control**: Develop physics-based prediction and control tools to implement realistic disruption avoidance and prevention strategies that meet the requirements of next-generation devices. 2. **Real-time Monitoring**: Utilize advanced real-time compatible technologies to analyze data from thousands of JET (Joint European Torus) experiments, covering all isotope combinations from pure hydrogen to full tritium, including major deuterium-tritium experiments. 3. **Reducing Disruption Frequency**: Particularly in tokamaks with metal walls, the frequency of disruptions is much higher than the target values for ITER and DEMO, thus effective methods need to be found to reduce this phenomenon. Through these studies, the paper aims to provide critical technical support and theoretical foundation for the safe operation of future tokamak reactors.