Achievement Goal Orientation as a Predictor of Sport Involvement and Perceived Benefits of Sport Involvement: Examination of a Mixture Model
L. Lower,B. Turner,J. Petersen
Abstract:Grounded in the dichotomous achievement goal framework, this study examined the utility of achievement goal orientations to predict sport involvement and perceived benefits (social, intellectual, and fitness) associated with participation in three college recreational sport programs: group fitness, intramural sport, and sport clubs. A questionnaire, based on the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) and Quality and Importance of Recreational Services (QIRS) perceived benefit scale, was administered to recreational sport participants (n = 1,564) at a single institution. A mixture model was proposed and tested, for which task orientation was found to positively predict sport involvement and perceived benefits of involvement, while ego orientation only predicted sport involvement. Sport involvement was found to positively predict perceived benefits of involvement. Implications for sport practitioners include task goal orientation enhancement within sport offerings and increased involvement opportunities, while theoretical implications can guide future achievement goal research within the sport domain. Lower,
Petersen 64 Sport is a type of achievement activity that has received considerable attention in management and psychology literature. Theoretical and empirical investigation of the achievement goal construct emerged from a desire to account for achievement behavior and help guide individuals to adopt optimal motivation in achievement settings (Elliot, 2005). The achievement goal construct is considered among the strongest predictors of achievement-related behavior and outcomes (Elliot & McGregor, 2001; Moller & Elliot, 2005). Research examining the predictive relationship between achievement goal orientations, behaviors, and outcomes can guide effective program structuring and interventions facilitated by sport practitioners to influence participant dispositions in order to produce positive behaviors and outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine a structural model incorporating achievement goal orientations, recreational sport involvement (i.e., achievement behavior), and perceived benefits of recreational sport involvement (i.e., achievement outcome). Such assessment can advance achievement goal theory and involvement theory by gaining a better understanding of the antecedents and consequences of achievement goal orientations and sport involvement. In addition to furthering the body of knowledge, the findings of this study can be used to shed light on optimal dispositions within sport which can help practitioners produce improved participant outcomes through sport programs. Review of Literature Recreational Sport Recreational sport is one of many conduits of extracurricular activities available on most American college campuses. The recreational sport programs that the current study examined include group fitness, intramural sports, and sport clubs. Group fitness programs typically operate in a system of classes through which trained student instructors facilitate physical exercises. The dynamic structure of group fitness enables the program to meet the interests of a diverse population, emphasizing effort and personal achievement. Intramural sports emerged through student initiated Achievement
Orientation 65 athletic competitions, prior to the establishment of varsity athletics on college campuses (Bourgeois et al., 1995; Staurowsky & Abney, 2011). The purpose of intramural sport is to provide an avenue for a wider cross-section of students to participate in competitive games with students enrolled at the same university. “The role of sports club programs has changed from providing the foundation and development for varsity athletic programs to becoming an important recreation program alternative” (Cooney, 1979, p. 40). Sport clubs are designed to be an opportunity for students to participate in competitive sport outside the confines of their own institution, in which club members organize and host the competitions. Involvement with recreational sport on college campuses has been associated with learning outcomes, student development, and additional beneficial outcomes (NIRSA/NASPA Consortium, 2010; Haines & Fortman, 2008; The Ohio State University, 2003). While recreational sport assessment often focuses on positive outcomes, achievement goal literature considers both positive and negative outcomes, such as persistence, effectiveness, and anxiety (Elliot, 2005; Hendricks & Payne, 2007; Roberts, Treasure, & Balague, 1998). Perceived benefits of sport participation were selected as the achievement-related outcome measure due to the secondary purpose of this study which aimed at examining the value of sport programs. Perceived Benefits of Involvement In an effort to understand the potential gains of sport programs, investigators have developed instruments for the purpose of measuring outcomes of program participation, such as perceived benefits. The literature emphasizes three benefit subgroups associated with physical activity programs: intellectual, social, and fitness benefits (Artinger et al., 2006; Haines, & Fortman, 2008; NIRSA, 2004). Perceived benefits are typically assessed through scales measuring one’s perception of gains realized through participation. Several instruments have been developed to assess perceived benefits of recreational sport involvement, including: Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale (EBBS), Measuring Outcomes from Lower,
Petersen 66 Recsports Experiences (MORE), and Quality and Importance of Recreational Services (QIRS) perceived benefit scale. The QIRS survey, developed by the National IntramuralRecreational Sport Association (NIRSA), is of primary importance to this study; its saliency within recreational sport literature has been demonstrated (NIRSA, 2000). The perceived benefit scale is a component within the QIRS survey which focuses on assessing perceived benefits associated with recreational sport involvement. The perceived benefits scale was selected for the purpose of this study based upon its focus on the dominant benefit subgroups and