Marketing Plan of Rental Apartments in Costa Blanca for Scandinavians : Case: Zariko Enterprise SL
Johanna Kirssi
Abstract:This thesis is a marketing plan of rental apartments in Costa Blanca for Swedish, Norwegian and Danish customers. The ordering party is Zariko Enterprise SL, which is a real estate agency operating in Torrevieja, Spain. The company is both selling and renting properties, but this thesis is focused only on the rentals. The objective of the thesis is to create a marketing plan which the company can put into practice. It will support the case company in finding more customers from the target countries and provide valuable information about these countries.
Marketing planning process starts with analysing the company and its operational environment. These analyses can be used when making strategy, segmentation, targeting and positioning decisions. In order to reach the wanted target groups, the company’s marketing mix options should be studied thoroughly. According to the 5P model, which is used in this thesis, the marketing mix elements are product, price, place, promotion and people. A great tool to research the target market and countries is PEST analysis, which studies the political, economic, social and technological environments of the market.
The thesis was carried out as a secondary research. Both written and electronic sources as well as e-mail correspondence with the manager of Zariko Enterprise SL were used as sources. Some of the conclusions are also based on writer’s own knowledge gathered during an internship in the company.
The outcome of the thesis is a marketing plan which the case company can use as a base when planning the marketing operations. In order to keep the marketing plan up to date, the company should keep developing and updating it in the future.%%%%Tama opinnaytetyo on Costa Blancalla sijaitsevien vuokra-asuntojen markkinointisuunnitelma. Suunnitelma on suunnattu Ruotsin, Norjan ja Tanskan markkinoille. Tyon toimeksiantaja on Zariko Enterprise SL, joka on Espanjan Torreviejassa toimiva kiinteistonvalitystoimisto. Yritys seka vuokraa etta myy kiinteistoja, mutta tassa opinnaytetyossa keskitytaan vain vuokraustoimintoihin. Taman tyon tavoitteena oli luoda teoriaa apuna kayttaen toimiva ja realistinen markkinointisuunnitelma, jota Zariko Enterprise SL voi kayttaa. Tyo auttaa yritysta saamaan lisaa asiakkaita kohdemaista, seka tarjoaa yrityksen henkilokunnalle hyodyllista tietoa kyseisista maista.
Markkinointisuunnitelman laatiminen alkaa yrityksen ja sen toimintaymparistojen analysoinnilla. Naita analyyseja voidaan kayttaa hyvaksi strategiaan, segmentointiin ja asemointiin liittyvissa paatoksissa. Jotta tavoitellun kohderyhman tarpeisiin voidaan vastata mahdollisimman tehokkaasti, taytyy maaritella yrityksen kilpailukeinot. Tassa tyossa kaytetyn 5P-mallin mukaan kilpailukeinot ovat tuote, hinta, saatavuus, markkinointiviestinta ja henkilosto. Kohdemarkkinoiden ja maiden analysointiin voidaan kayttaa PEST-analyysia, jossa tarkastellaan markkinoihin vaikuttavia poliittisia, taloudellisia, sosiaalisia ja teknologisia tekijoita.
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