Monochromatic cycles in 2-edge-colored bipartite graphs with large minimum degree
Yiran Zhang,Yuejian Peng
Abstract:For graphs $G_0$, $G_1$ and $G_2$, write $G_0\longmapsto(G_1, G_2)$ if each red-blue-edge-coloring of $G_0$ yields a red $G_1$ or a blue $G_2$. The Ramsey number $r(G_1, G_2)$ is the minimum number $n$ such that the complete graph $K_n\longmapsto(G_1, G_2)$. In [Discrete Math. 312(2012)], Schelp formulated the following question: for which graphs $H$ there is a constant $0<c<1$ such that for any graph $G$ of order at least $r(H, H)$ with $\delta(G)>c|V(G)|$, $G\longmapsto(H, H)$. In this paper, we prove that for any $m>n$, if $G$ is a balanced bipartite graph of order $2(m+n-1)$ with $\delta(G)>\frac{3}{4}(m+n-1)$, then $G\longmapsto(CM_m, CM_n)$, where $CM_i$ is a matching with $i$ edges contained in a connected component. By Szeméredi's Regularity Lemma, using a similar idea as introduced by [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 75(1999)], we show that for every $\eta>0$, there is an integer $N_0>0$ such that for any $N>N_0$ the following holds: Let $\alpha_1>\alpha_2>0$ such that $\alpha_1+\alpha_2=1$. Let $G[X, Y]$ be a balanced bipartite graph on $2(N-1)$ vertices with $\delta(G)\geq(\frac{3}{4}+3\eta)(N-1)$. Then for each red-blue-edge-coloring of $G$, either there exist red even cycles of each length in $\{4, 6, 8, \ldots, (2-3\eta^2)\alpha_1N\}$, or there exist blue even cycles of each length in $\{4, 6, 8, \ldots, (2-3\eta^2)\alpha_2N\}$. Furthermore, the bound $\delta(G)\geq(\frac{3}{4}+3\eta)(N-1)$ is asymptotically tight. Previous studies on Schelp's question on cycles are on diagonal case, we obtain an asymptotic result of Schelp's question for all non-diagonal cases.