Expert consensus for stellate ganglion block therapy in China (2022)
Abstract:Stellate ganglion block (SGB) has been widely used in clinical treatment for various pain and non-pain, including the pain of head and face, ear, nose and throat, oral, neck and shoulder, and upper limb. Additionally, SGB has shown a curative effect on refractory angina pectoris, arrhythmia, and depression. Previously, the SGB procedure had been primarily dependent on the anatomical landmark. However, with the popularization and adopted application of ultrasound in pain, the ultrasound-guided SGB has gradually become the mainstream. This consensus summary reflects the clinical experience of several experts. The topics range from introducing the stellate ganglion anatomy to the indications and contraindications of SGB, blocking methods, drug selection, treatment course, efficacy evaluation, complications and precautions. Overall, the consensus hopes to provide clinical guidance for SGB.