diffGEK: Differential Gene Expression Kinetics
Melania Barile,Shirom Chabra,Tomoya Isobe,Berthold Gottgens
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.08.21.608952
Abstract:A defining characteristic of all metazoan organisms is the existence of different cell states or cell types, driven by changes in gene expression kinetics, principally transcription, splicing and degradation rates. The RNA velocity framework utilizes both spliced and unspliced reads in sin- gle cell mRNA preparations to predict future cellular states and estimate transcriptional kinetics. However, current models assume either constant kinetic rates, rates equal for all genes, or rates completely independent of progression through differentiation. Consequently, current models for rate estimation are either underparametrised or overparametrised. Here we developed a new method (diffGEK) which overcomes this issue, and allows comparison of transcriptional rates across different biological conditions. diffGEK assumes that rates can vary over a trajectory, but are smooth functions of the differentiation process. Analysing Jak2 V617F mutant versus wild type mice for erythropoiesis, and Ezh2 KO versus wild type mice in myelopoiesis, revealed which genes show altered transcription, splicing or degradation rates between different conditions. Moreover, we observed that, for some genes, compensatory changes between different rates can result in comparable overall mRNA levels, thereby masking highly dynamic changes in gene expression kinetics in conventional expression analysis. Collectively, we report a robust pipeline for comparative expression analysis based on altered transcriptional kinetics to discover mechanistic differences missed by conventional approaches, with broad applicability across any biomedical research question where single cell expression data are available for both wild type and treatment/mutant conditions.