Local stability of spheres via the convex hull and the radical Voronoi diagram
Peter K. Morse,Eric Corwin
Abstract:Jamming is an emergent phenomenon wherein the local stability of individual particles percolates to form a globally rigid structure. However, the onset of rigidity does not imply that every particle becomes rigid, and indeed some remain locally unstable. These particles, if they become unmoored from their neighbors, are called \textit{rattlers}, and their identification is critical to understanding the rigid backbone of a packing, as these particles cannot bear stress. The accurate identification of rattlers, however, can be a time-consuming process, and the currently accepted method lacks a simple geometric interpretation. In this manuscript, we propose two simpler classifications of rattlers based on the convex hull of contacting neighbors and the maximum inscribed sphere of the radical Voronoi cell, each of which provides geometric insight into the source of their instability. Furthermore, the convex hull formulation can be generalized to explore stability in hyperstatic soft sphere packings, spring networks, non-spherical packings, and mean-field non-central-force potentials.
Statistical Mechanics,Soft Condensed Matter