Natural and shipping underwater sound distribution in the Northern Adriatic Sea basin and possible application on target areas
Michol Ghezzo,Antonio Petrizzo,Fantina Madricardo,Thomas Folegot,Roger Gallou,Dominique Clorennec,Robert Chavanne,Erwan Hemon,Christian Ferrarin,Hrvoje Mihanović,Kristina Pikelj,Mauro Bastianini,Alice Pari,Sauro Pari,Stefano Menegon,William J McKiver,Giulio Farella,Sofia Bosi,Andrea Barbanti,Marta Picciulin
Abstract:The underwater sound distribution generated by natural sources, shipping and trawling activities has been computed by the Quonops© modelling webservice for the Northern Adriatic Sea (NAS) during 2020, a year characterized by the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. Modelling has been calibrated by using a year-long time series of field measurements covering the domain of interest. Sound levels (50th percentile) ranged between 75 and 90 dB re 1μPa for all the considered frequencies (63 Hz, 125 Hz, 250 Hz third octave bands). Noisier NAS areas match with the shipping lanes and the distribution of trawling activity. Pressure sound indices based on masking effect were computed for two Ecologically/Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSA) located in the NAS. Results indicated a significant contribution of vessel and fishery-generated noise to the local soundscape and provide a basis for addressing NAS underwater noise pollution, with special reference to the Marine Spatial Planning approach.