Application Effects of Respiratory Training in Patients with Dysphagia: a Systematic Review
Wan Fang,Chen Lu,Yao Zhiqing,Fu Qiaomei
Abstract:Objective? To systematicaLLy review the respiratory training on swaLLowing function and respiratory function among patients with dysphagia so as to provide a reference for rehabiLitation nursing of patients with dysphagia. Methods? From estabLishing the database to 30th ApriL 2018, we retrieved the randomized controLLed triaLs (RCTs) on respiratory training of patients with dysphagia in PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Cochrane CentraL Register of ControLLed TriaLs, CINAHL, Physiotherapy Evidence Database, Chinese BioMedicaL Literature Database (CBM), China NationaL KnowLedge Infrastructure (CNKI) and WanFang Data by computer. The Literatures were screened and quaLity of the incLuded Literatures were evaLuated according to the system evaLuation method of the Cochrane coLLaboration. The RevMan5.3 was used to statisticaL anaLysis. ResuLts? A totaL of 9 Literatures were incLuded, and three of them were with the LeveL A of Literature quaLity and the rest were with the LeveL B. Meta-anaLysis showed that compared with routine dysphagia nursing, respiratory training couLd improve the swaLLowing function evaLuated by water swaLLow test [RR=1.33, 95%CI (1.17, 1.53), P< 0.01], forced vitaL capacity (FVC) [MD =0.47, 95%CI(0.11, 0.82), P< 0.01], forced expiratory voLume in one second (FEV1) [MD=0.47, 95%CI(0.20,0.74), P<0.01], peak expiration fLow (PEF) [MD=1.00, 95%CI(0.91, 1.10), P<0.01]and reduce the score of penetration-aspiration scaLe (PAS) [MD=-1.05, 95%CI (-1.70, -0.41), P< 0.01]of patients with dysphagia. ConcLusions? Compared with routine dysphagia nursing, respiratory training couLd improve the swaLLowing function evaLuated by water swaLLow test, FVC, FEV1, PEF and reduce the score of PAS of patients with dysphagia. However, the findings stiLL need be vaLidated by Large sampLe, muLticenter and high quaLity RCTs.