Search for gravitational-wave bursts associated with gamma-ray bursts using data from LIGO Science Run 5 and Virgo Science Run 1

BP Abbott, R Abbott, Fausto Acernese, R Adhikari, P Ajith, B Allen, G Allen, M Alshourbagy, RS Amin, SB Anderson, WG Anderson, F Antonucci, S Aoudia, MA Arain, M Araya, H Armandula, P Armor, KG Arun, Y Aso, S Aston, P Astone, P Aufmuth, C Aulbert, S Babak, P Baker, G Ballardin, S Ballmer, C Barker, D Barker, Fabrizio Barone, B Barr, Pablo Barriga, L Barsotti, M Barsuglia, MA Barton, I Bartos, R Bassiri, M Bastarrika, Th S Bauer, B Behnke, M Beker, M Benacquista, J Betzwieser, PT Beyersdorf, S Bigotta, IA Bilenko, G Billingsley, S Birindelli, R Biswas, MA Bizouard, E Black, JK Blackburn, L Blackburn, David Blair, B Bland, C Boccara, TP Bodiya, L Bogue, François Bondu, L Bonelli, R Bork, V Boschi, S Bose, L Bosi, S Braccini, C Bradaschia, PR Brady, VB Braginsky, JE Brau, DO Bridges, A Brillet, M Brinkmann, V Brisson, AF Brooks, DA Brown, A Brummit, G Brunet, R Budzyński, T Bulik, A Bullington, HJ Bulten, A Buonanno, O Burmeister, D Buskulic, RL Byer, L Cadonati, G Cagnoli, E Calloni, JB Camp, E Campagna, J Cannizzo, KC Cannon, B Canuel, J Cao, F Carbognani, L Cardenas, S Caride, G Castaldi, S Caudill, M Cavaglia, F Cavalier, R Cavalieri, G Cella, C Cepeda, Elisabetta Cesarini, T Chalermsongsak, E Chalkley, P Charlton, E Chassande-Mottin, S Chatterji, S Chelkowski, Y Chen, A Chincarini, N Christensen, CTY Chung, D Clark, J Clark, JH Clayton, F Cleva, E Coccia, Thomas Cokelaer, CN Colacino, J Colas, A Colla, M Colombini, R Conte, D Cook, TRC Corbitt, C Corda, N Cornish, A Corsi, J-P Coulon, David Coward, DC Coyne, JDE Creighton, TD Creighton, AM Cruise, RM Culter, A Cumming, L Cunningham, E Cuoco, SL Danilishin, S D’Antonio, K Danzmann, A Dari, V Dattilo, B Daudert, M Davier, Geraint Davies, EJ Daw
Abstract:Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are intense flashes of γ-rays which occur approximately once per day and are isotropically distributed over the sky (see, eg, Mészáros 2006, and references therein). The variability of the bursts on timescales as short as a millisecond indicates that the sources are very compact, while the identification of host galaxies and the measurement of redshifts for more than 100 bursts have shown that GRBs are of extragalactic origin.GRBs are grouped into two broad classes by their characteristic duration and spectral hardness (Kouveliotou et al. 1993; Gehrels et al. 2006). The progenitors of most short GRBs (≲ 2 s, with hard spectra) are widely thought to be mergers of neutron-star binaries or neutron-star-black-hole binaries; see, for example, Nakar (2007), Shibata & Taniguchi (2008), Liu et al.(2008), Anderson et al.(2008), and Etienne et al.(2009). A small fraction (up to≃ 15%) of short-duration …
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