Niche position accounts for the positive occupancy–abundance relationship of lake fishes

Zhijun Xia,Jani Heino,Jianwei Wang,Tao Chang,Mingzheng Li
Journal of Biogeography
Abstract:Aim If the positive occupancy–abundance relationship prevails, locally abundant species are widely distributed. Although broadly supported, studies on lake fishes have thus far contributed little to this topic, especially at intermediate and small spatial scales. Here, the main objective was to investigate the relationship between occupancy and abundance of lake fish species within a large lake, as well as examine the relative importance of ecological niches, functional traits and phylogenetic relatedness in forming the relationship. Location Poyang Lake, China. Taxon Fishes. Methods We calculated occupancy and mean abundance for 78 fish species and estimated niche position and niche breadth for each species based on a set of environmental variables. Additionally, we generated four functional trait vectors and one phylogenetic vector, describing trait similarity and phylogenetic relatedness, respectively. Linear models, hierarchical partitioning analyses and boosted regression trees were used in combination to explore the relative role of niche position, niche breadth, trait vectors and phylogenetic relatedness in determining fish occupancy, abundance and their relationship. Results Occupancy and mean abundance of fish species in Poyang Lake showed a significantly positive and rather strong interspecific relationship. Interspecific variations in fish occupancy and abundance were well accounted for by niche position, followed by niche breadth. Nonetheless, trait vectors and phylogenetic relatedness were of minor importance in affecting fish occupancy and abundance. Additionally, occupancy was better explained than abundance by the predictor variables used, which was shown by both linear models and boosted regression trees. Main Conclusions This study suggests that the positive correlation between occupancy and abundance also occurs in lake fish species. Furthermore, ecological niche features, especially niche position, were more important than functional traits and phylogenetic relatedness in accounting for occupancy and abundance of fish species in Poyang Lake. Translated 物种分布(occupancy)和丰度(mean abundance)之间存在正相关关系,即稀有物种分布狭窄,而丰富的物种分布广泛。尽管这一宏观生态学假说在过去几十年间获得了普遍的支持,但尚未有人在中小尺度的湖泊水体中通过鱼类群落开展相关的研究。基于2017年和2018年的鄱阳湖鱼类调查数据,分别计算了78种鱼类的分布(样点出现率)和丰度(平均尾数),并根据实测的环境因子评估每种鱼类的生态位和生态幅。最后,使用线性回归模型、层次分割法和提升回归树等方法探究了生态位、生态幅、功能性状和系统发育关系对鱼类分布‐丰度关系的相对影响程度。结果显示,鄱阳湖鱼类分布与丰度间有着极强的显著正相关关系。基于层次切割和提升回归树的方法,生态位对鱼类分布和丰度的影响要远强于功能性状和系统发育关系;鱼类分布与丰度均和生态位呈负相关,说明占据"非边缘生态位"的物种(利用典型生境)比占据"边缘生态位"的物种(利用非典型生境)分布更广且丰度更高。此外,相比于鱼类丰度,四组解释变量对鱼类分布的解释率更高,可能是因为前者还受到一系列其它复杂因素的调控。综上,本研究为湖泊鱼类分布和丰度间的正相关格局提供了中小尺度的证据,并揭示了确定性过程(如生态位过程)对物种空间分布格局的重要影响。
ecology,geography, physical
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