New national and regional bryophyte records, 77

L. T. Ellis,B. Adjie,D. J. Alvarez,V. Ardiles,A. K. Asthana,J. J. Atwood,V. A. Bakalin,H. Bednarek-Ochyra,M. Boiko,J. M. Budke,R. D. Cedrés-Perdomo,M. D. Cerrato,J. Csiky,B. Espinoza-Prieto,R. Gabriel,S. Gey,L. Gil,A. Graulich,K. Hylander,T. Kiebacher,N. A. Konstantinova,J. Kučera,G. Kunev,J. Larraín,N. Lönnell,A. S. Maciel-Silva,Yu. S. Mamontov,G. H. R. Mattos,P. M. Mir-Rosselló,A. Nadhifah,R. Natcheva,Sean V. O’Leary,M. F. Oliveira,J. Opisso,B. Papp,G. F. Peñaloza-Bojacá,C. Polaino-Martín,K. K. Rawat,A. Ribas-Serra,S. Rosadziński,V. Sahu,A. Sipos,M. Staniaszek-Kik,B. M. Starzomski,G. M. Suárez,D. B. L. Tucker,A. Verma,N. Zagorodniuk
Journal of Bryology
Abstract:L. T. Ellis acknowledges the support of the Natural History Museum, London, and is grateful to Dr B-C Ho for safely retaining the voucher specimens for the new records for Mitthyridium subluteum and Syrrhopodon albovaginatus in SING. The field work of V. Ardiles was supported by Proyecto de Fortalecimiento Actividad Curatorial 2013 (FAC-2013). Halina Bednarek-Ochyra is thankful to the curators at BM, BG, BR, DR, GRO and MO for kindly allowing her to study their herbarium specimens cited in these accounts. A. Verma, V. Sahu , K. K. Rawat and A. K. Asthana are thankful to the Director of the CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute (CSIR-NBRI), Lucknow for providing lab facilities. A. Verma also thanks the University Grant Commission (UGC), New Delhi for providing financial assistance and the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, for guidance KKR acknowledges financial support from SAC-ISRO, Ahmedabad, India under project GAP 3464. The ethical committee of CSIR-NBRI is thankfully acknowledged for valuable suggestions and for providing the MS No. CSIR-NBRI_MS/2024/02/09. The research of Rosadziński S. and Staniaszek-Kik M. was financed from the forest fund under an agreement concluded between the State Forests National Forest Holding and Wielkopolski National Park. Research by Guillermo M. Suárez and Denise J. Alvarez was supported by the Argentinian National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and the Research Project of the National University of Tucumán PIUNT G744. The research by A. Nadhifah, B. Adjie, and J.M. Budke was supported by the L.R. Hesler Herbarium Support Fund at the University of Tennessee Herbarium (TENN). Those authors thank Margaret Oliver who facilitated the loan requests and provided assistance with the project, as well as the herbarium curators from F, G, MO, and NY for providing specimen loans. A. Nadhifah also thanks the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) for assistance with the exit permit process. The work of P. M. Mir-Rosselló is supported by the FPU (FPU21/03500) grant from the Ministerio de Universidades (Spain). R. Gabriel acknowledges the Azorean Biodiversity Group and the Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (GBA-cE3c) DOI: 10.54499/UIDB/00329/2020, and Biodiversa + (project 'DarCo'), the European Biodiversity Partnership under the 2021–2022 BiodivProtect joint call for research proposals, co-funded by the European Commission (GA N°101052342) and the Regional Government of the Azores, through the Regional Fund for Science and Technology (FRCT). R.D. Cedrés-Perdomo gratefully acknowledges support and co-financing from the Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento y Empleo, the European Social Fund (ESF) Integrated Operational Programme of the Canary Islands 2014–2020 Axis 3 Priority Theme 74 (85%) awarded for the doctoral thesis with file number TESIS2020010071, and the internship grant EST2023010016. C. Polaíno-Martín gratefully acknowledges Programa Estagiar L—PL199392 of the Azorean Government for funding her stay in the Azores. The study by B. Espinoza-Prieto, J. J. Atwood and J. Opisso was supported by funding from the Ronald and Mary Pursell Bryological Endowment through the Missouri Botanical Garden. B. Espinoza-Prieto thanks Sebastián Riva (through the project Taxonomía, Sistemática y diversificación de Scheffleroides neotropicales, con énfasis en el género Sciodaphyllum ) for carrying out exploration logistics in northern Peru, and Pamela Arista for support in the field. Servicio Nacional Forestal (SERFOR, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Peru) is acknowledged for providing collection permits N°258-2018-MINAGRI-SERFOR-DGGSPFFS with extension D000170-2020-MINAGRI-SERFOR-DGGSPFFS. The work of N. A. Konstantinova was carried out within the institutional research project of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of N. A. Avrorin KSC RAS, 0229-2016-0004 and using the large-scale research facilities "Herbarium of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute (KPABG)", reg. No. 499397. The work of V. A. Bakalin is within the framework of the institutional research project "Cryptogamic Biota of Pacific Asia" (no 22040800088-5).
plant sciences
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