Thermal properties of hot and dense medium in interacting hadron resonance gas model
S. Sahoo,D. K. Mishra,P. K. Sahu
Abstract:The meson exchange interaction based on relativistic mean-field (RMF) theory has been introduced in the hadron resonance gas (HRG) model, called interacting HRG (iHRG) model. This model can be used to explain the experimental data both at finite temperature ($T$) with finite chemical potential ($\mu_B$) and finite temperature at vanishing chemical potential. The nuclear matter equation of state also can be explained at zero temperature with finite baryon density (finite chemical potential) due to the presence of attractive and repulsive interactions between the hadrons in the iHRG model. Similarly, the lattice equation of state is well described at $\mu_B$ = 0 and finite temperature by the iHRG model. In the present study, we have calculated the thermodynamical quantities as a function of temperature and chemical potential using both HRG and iHRG models. Also, we have presented the isothermal compressibility ($k_T$), specific heat ($C_V$), and speed of sound ($c_s^2$) as a function of $\mu_B$, $T$, and center of mass energies. The effect of kinematic acceptance on these quantities are also presented as a function of $\mu$ and $T$. Results from this study on $k_T$ are compared with results from other heavy-ion transport models and experimental data up to LHC energies.
Nuclear Theory,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology,Nuclear Experiment