Виктор Астафьев о слове и словарях

О. И. Блинова
Abstract:Drawing on a wide range of sources, among which are fiction, essays, letters and personal meetings with Viktor Astafiev, the author tells the reader what this great writer thought about the WORD and DICTIONARIES, the perception and evaluation of the colloquial, everyday and artistic, poetic word. The article describes Astafiev''s childhood memories about his meeting with the teacher who revealed to the student the greatness of the WORD, its poetry and value. The writer refers to the phenomenon of word poetization as an enchantment, as he would later write in his essay ''''Enchanted with the word''''. In this essay he tells about those who collect and compiles dictionaries that are ''''the keystone of our life''''. Full of pain, he describes the status of the Russian language in the second half of the 20th century, speaking about its vulgarization and emphasizing the life-giving role of Siberian dialects for the development of the literary language. With tenderness and love Astafiev treated the dictionaries of Siberian dialects that he used in his works. According to the writer, dialects form ''''the Siberian land stratum''''. Astafiev supported the State Prize nomination of the series of dialect dictionaries compiled by Tomsk researchers. He found the arguments to address the Council on State Prizes when the nomination was under discussion, after which Tomsk researchers rose to the first place from the 4th in the nomination list of a hundred contenders. The article draws attention to the variety of functions dialectisms perform in Asta-fiev''s works. The writer continues the tradition of the Russian literature in attracting the following functional characteristics of dialectal elements: dialectisms as a means of realistic depiction of rural life, of creating local color or sociolinguistic portraits; of folk speech imitation and, sometimes, of creating imagery. He goes further by expanding the role of folk speech elements considering them as equal to the units of literary language. He uses the folk word as a means of artistic expression. Astafiev emphasized the untranslatability of the folk word into foreign languages. In the final part of the article the author tells about the meetings the writer had with Tomsk dialectologists in Krasnoyarsk, in his home. Astafiev also visited Tomsk and was invited to the Russian Language Department of Tomsk State University, where he communicated with Tomsk dialectologists and showed was genuine interest to the card indices of dialects and dialectal texts. This meeting lasted for five hours. The next day Astafiev held the press conference for the students and professors of Tomsk State University and answered a lot of questions. Viktor Petrovich expressed a high opinion of Tomsk State University and the level of philological education demonstrated by students. Finally, Astafiev visited the Blinovs, where he met with famous writers Vadim Maksheyev and Eduard Burmakin. He was deeply satisfied with his visit to Tomsk and gave a promise to visit Tomsk and Tomsk State University again. The article ends with the words: ''''Viktor Petrovich proved his belonging to those enchanted with the WORD by all his works and the whole life''''.
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