Radiation of a variable charge flying into medium
Xingzhen Fan,Andrey V. Tyukhtin
Abstract:We study an electromagnetic radiation of a small bunch having a variable charge value and crossing a flat interface between two media. Both media are homogeneous, stationary, and isotropic. They may have frequency dispersion but no spatial dispersion. Cherenkov radiation can be generated in the second medium only. It is assumed that the bunch charge value decreases exponentially starting from some time moment after the charge enters the second medium. This means that we take into account the scatter of the particle path lengths, connected with a statistical nature of energy losses of particles. It is taken into account that the filamentous trace consisting of immobile charges is formed in the second medium.
We obtain the general solution of the problem. The asymptotic study for the wave zone is carried out. We obtain expressions for the spherical wave as well as for the cylindrical wave generated in the second medium if the charge velocity is sufficiently high. The main properties of radiation are described. If the process of the bunch decay starts from the boundary between media, then the angular distribution of the radiation energy has the single maximum in each from two regions. In the second medium, the radiation, as a rule, is greater than in the vacuum area, and this difference increases with increasing the charge velocity. If the charge velocity is higher than the speed of light in the second medium, then, along with appearance of Cherenkov radiation, the properties of spherical wave change radically. In particular, the main maximum of the angular distribution of the radiation energy increases sharply. If the distance from the charge entry point to the region of the bunch decay is sufficiently large, then the complex interference pattern with many extrema take place.
Classical Physics,Accelerator Physics,Optics