Uluslararası reklam stratejileri: Azerbaycan’da coca cola örneği

Eminbey Zeynalov
Abstract:OZET Şirketlerin ulusal pazarlari asarak farkli ulke pazarlarina yoneldikleri bu donemde, uluslararasi reklam stratejilerinin onemi gittikce artmaktadir. Kuresel pazarda rekabet cok yuksek seviyeye cikmistir. Bu rekabete dayanmak ve rakipler onunde avantaj saglamak icin en cok kullanilan arac – uluslararasi reklamlardir. Şirketlerin uluslararasi pazarlara sunacaklari reklamlarin, standardize edilmis veya uyarlanmis bicimde olmasi, sirketlerin onemli bir karar alma konusudur. Tarihi bir surec icinde standardizasyon ve uyarlama yaklasimlari farkli zamanlarda tercih edilmistir. Gunumuzde ise genellikle her iki yaklasimin karisimi olan glokalizasyon yaklasimi izlenmektedir. Şirketlerin reklam gelistirme faaliyetleri uzun zamandan beri, belli stratejileri iceren karmasik bir surectir. Konu uluslararasi boyutlara ulastiginda bu surec daha karmasik hale gelmektedir. Reklam stratejileri belirlenirken hedef kitleler, farkli ulkelerdeki farkli zevk, tercih ve davranis bicimleri yeniden gozden gecirilmeli, reklamin amaci soz konusu ulkenin pazarina ve pazardaki rakip sirketlere uygun belirlenmeli, reklam mesaji gidilecek ulke halkinin anlayisina uygun olarak gelistirilmeli, reklam araclari ulkenin ekonomik durumuna ve gelisim seviyesine uygun olarak secilmelidir. Butun bu reklam stratejilerinde duzeltmeleri gerektiren en onemli faktor ise ulkeler arasindaki kultur farkliliklaridir. Uluslararasi reklam stratejilerinin gelistirilme surecine bu kulturel farkliliklari arastirarak ve dikkate alarak baslayan bir sirketin, bu konuda basarili olma ihtimali buyuk olcude artacaktir. Arastirmada oncelikle konuyla ilgili temel kavramlar ve tarihsel gelisim sureci anlatilmaktadir. Daha sonraki bolumlerde, reklam stratejilerini olusturan konular genis bir sekilde, uluslararasi kapsamda anlatilmakta ve kulturel farklarin uluslararasi reklama etkisi aciklanmaktadir. En son bolumde ise, daha once aciklanmis teorik bilgilerin olusturdugu bir modele dayanarak ornek sirketteki uygulama sekli arastirilmistir. Ornek olay olarak ise, Coca-Cola sirketinin Azerbaycan’da uyguladigi reklam stratejileri arastirilmis ve arastirmaci tarafindan teorik bilgilerle karsilastirilarak degerlendirilmistir.SUMMARY The importance of international advertising strategies increases this period when companies going beyond the local markets head for different country markets. Competition is on very high level in global market. The most widely used tool to lean against this competition and have an edge over competitors is international advertisement. It is very important decision-making issue of companies whether standardization or adaptation should be used by companies to international markets. During historical process standardization and adaptation approaches have been preffered at differnet times. However, today glocalization which is mixture of both approaches is usually followed. For a long time advertisement development actions of companies is a complex process that contains certain strategies. This process becomes more complex when this subject attains international dimensions. During identification of advertising strategies target groups, different tastes in different countries, preferences and behavior patterns should be revised again, the purpose of ads should be determined according to the market of that country and compaies competing in the market, advertising message should be developed in accordance with perception of people in that country, media should be selected in accordance with the country's economic situation and level of development. The most important factor that requires corrections in advertising strategies is cultural differences between countries. The probability of being successful of companies researching and taking into account these cultural differences during development of international advertising strategies will substantially higher. First of all basic concepts and historical development process on the subject are described in the research. In the next sections the constituent topics of advertising strategies are widely explained in the international context and influence of cultural differences to international advertising is rehearsed. In the last section application method of sample company was researched based on the model composed of previously described theoretical information. As an example, advertising strategies applied by Coca-Cola Company in Azerbaijan were analyzed and assed by researcher compared with the theoretical information.
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