Arithmetic Counts of Tropical Plane Curves and Their Properties
Andrés Jaramillo Puentes,Hannah Markwig,Sabrina Pauli,Felix Röhrle
Abstract:Recently, the first and third author proved a correspondence theorem which recovers the Levine-Welschinger invariants of toric del Pezzo surfaces as a count of tropical curves weighted with arithmetic multiplicities. In this paper, we study properties of the arithmetic count of plane tropical curves satisfying point conditions. We prove that this count is independent of the configuration of point conditions. Moreover, a Caporaso-Harris formula for the arithmetic count of plane tropical curves is obtained by moving one point to the very left. Repeating this process until all point conditions are stretched, we obtain an enriched count of floor diagrams which coincides with the tropical count. Finally, we prove polynomiality properties for the arithmetic counts using floor diagrams.
Algebraic Geometry,Combinatorics