Comment on“A Critical Review on Nitrous Oxide Production by Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea” by Lan Wu, Xueming Chen, Wei Wei, Yiwen Liu, Dongbo Wang, and Bing-Jie Ni
Yiwen Liu,Dongbo Wang,Bing-Jie Ni
Abstract:T ability of humanity to bring nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions under control hinges on a keen understanding of the mechanisms and processes that cause its formation as well as its natural mitigation (analogous to the methanogen− methanotroph balance that influences methane emissions). Undoubtedly, the activity of nitrifying microorganisms, as exacerbated by large-scale agriculture, land-use change, and fertilizer runoff, is a substantial contributor of nitrous oxide to the atmosphere. However, differences in the metabolic capacity of nitrifying microorganisms dictate how much ammonium-N they can directly release as N2O−N within their environmental context, leading to variations in their relative potency. The focus of the review article by Wu et al. (“A Critical Review on Nitrous Oxide Production by Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea”, 10.1021/acs.est.0c03948) misrepresents the current state of experimental and genome-informed knowledge regarding the physiology of nitrifying microorganisms; in particular, the ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota (AOA), and their contribution to global nitrous oxide emissions. Many of the pathways and enzymes described in this review are based on hypotheses and even speculations that lack experimental validation, or the authors ascribed published experimental observations incorrectly to activities, pathways, or functions. Furthermore, as documented in the literature, many of the early ideas and speculations in the field have now been refuted and replaced with data-driven evidence from pure laboratory cultures of how AOA oxidize ammonia and contribute to the N2O budget in their environment. There is published evidence that AOA contribute equally, and more often less, on a per cell basis, to N2O emissions than either the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) or the heterotrophic denitrifiers, despite their omnipresent high abundance in oxic environments. The stated purpose of the review is to synthesize literature that proposes “AOA-driven N2O production pathways in combination with enzymology distinction”; however, much of the newer data-centric literature reports substantially different, and even opposite, conclusions to those reported in the review article. Several of the more recent studies were conducted with the intention to narrow down or disprove earlier models and speculations about potential “pathways”. Contrary to the introductory paragraph and Figure 1 of the Wu et al. article, the conclusion of the current literature body reports that (1) there is no experimental evidence that AOA have the capacity to express an enzymatic pathway for the direct conversion of hydroxylamine (NH2OH) to N2O, (2) there is no evidence for a nitroxyl (HNO) intermediate, or nitroxyl oxidoreductase activity, which could participate in the pathway for ammonia oxidation by AOA, and (3) there is no evidence that ammoniamonooxygenase (AMO) can use nitric oxide (NO) as a direct source of reductant for ammonia oxidation. To this date, there is not even experimental evidence for the mechanism that provides needed reductant to AMO in the much more extensively studied AOB or its homologue, particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO), in methane-oxidizing bacteria. As importantly, there is ample evidence that a nitrifier denitrification pathway does not exist in AOA. Of the five pathways leading to measurable N2O emissions attributed to AOA activity by Wu et al., only two mechanisms have, thus far, been experimentally demonstrated. The first is “hybrid formation of N2O”, wherein one N atom is derived from hydroxylamine (generated by ammonia oxidation), and the other is derived from nitrite, most likely via its reduction to NO by an NO-producing nitrite reductase (experimentally attributed to copper-containing NirK in mesophiles or by a yet to be discovered analogue in thermophilic ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota). This abiotic reaction between pathway intermediates of ammonia oxidation in combination with transition metals (i.e., Fe, Mn) in the growth medium (or environment) produces negligible N2O, and occurs only during active ammonia oxidation when the intermediates are produced at high enough concentrations to react with one another, facilitated by the redox-active transition metals. Whether this transition metal facilitated reaction of hydroxylamine and NO takes place in the cytoplasm or outside of the cell has not been elucidated. Figure 1 in Wu et al. assigned NO a direct role in the oxidation of ammonia, which was presented without experimental support. While several research groups have now independently reported that NO is essential in the ammonia-oxidation pathway of AOA, its precise location and functional role is unknown. When NO is removed from AOA cultures using a scavenging compound such as PTIO, ammonia oxidation and nitrite formation cease immediately;