Emydomyces testavorans Surveillance in Multiple Free-Ranging Terrestrial and Aquatic Chelonian Species in Illinois, USA
Kelcie Fredrickson,Laura Adamovicz,Karen Terio,Alexis Davidson,Maura Ryan,Michelle Waligora,Kayla Schroder,Samantha Bradley,Carley Lionetto,Kirsten Andersson,Aubrey Engel,William Graser,Chris Anchor,Gary Glowacki,Matthew C Allender
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7589/JWD-D-23-00164
Abstract:The order Onygenales contains multiple fungal pathogens that affect free-ranging and zoo-housed reptilian species. Emydomyces testavorans, an onygenalean fungus associated with skin and shell disease, has been sporadically detected in aquatic chelonians. Because of the recent discovery of this organism, little is known about its prevalence in free-ranging chelonians. The objective of this study was to perform surveillance for E. testavorans in six free-ranging aquatic and terrestrial chelonian species in Illinois, USA: Blanding's turtles (n=437; Emydoidea blandingii), painted turtles (n=199; Chrysemys picta), common snapping turtles (n=35; Chelydra serpentina), red-eared sliders (n=62; RES; Trachemys scripta elegans), eastern box turtles (n=73; Terrapene carolina carolina) and ornate box turtles (n=29; Terrapene ornata). Combined cloacal-oral swabs (COSs) or shell (carapace and plastron surfaces) swabs were collected from 2019 to 2021 and tested for E. testavorans using quantitative PCR. The PCR detected E. testavorans in COSs of an adult male, subadult female, and juvenile male Blanding's turtle (0.6%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.2-1.9%) and a shell swab from an adult female RES (1.6%; 95% CI, 0-8.7%). Shell lesions consistent with E. testavorans infection were present in two of the positive Blanding's turtles. These results document the rarity of this pathogen on the landscape in Illinois. Additional studies should determine this pathogen's impact on individuals and clarify its significance for conservation efforts of Blanding's turtle, in which E. testavorans has not been reported previously.