The effects of infusions of chlorothiazide on urinary dilution and concentration in the dog.
L. Earley,M. Kahn,J. Orloff
IF: 19.456
Journal of Clinical Investigation
Abstract:ed by the medullary interstitium. This has been discussed in greater detail elsewhere (18). In support of this concept is the present observation that in some instances urine, hypotonic to plasma, was excreted at high rates of osmolal clearance, indicating that complete equilibration had not occurred even in the collecting duct. Although such marked falls in TCH2O were not observed in all studies, the qualitative similarity that exists throughout these Cosm-TCen.o curves suggests that the same basic mechanisms were operative. Chlorothiazide, by interfering with the tubular reabsorption of solute without water at diluting sites, would result in less solute-free water within the distal convolution, and allow passive osmotic equilibration to occur more readily. Such San action might be expected to increase the maximal TCH2O and delay the subsequent fall which normally occurs. At lower rates of osmolal clearance, when TCH2O is progressively rising or is stable, passive osmotic equilibration in the distal convolution should be complete, and diminishing the dilution of the tubular fluid under these conditions should not affect the calculated TCH2O (provided the rate of solute transport into the medullary interstitium were not simultaneously affected). In the present studies chlorothiazide fulfilled these requirements. At rates of osmolal clearance associated with increasing values for TCH2O the administration of this agent did not alter these values. However, the presence of chlorothiazide resulted in maximal values for Tc1190 greater than the maximal values obtained without the drug. Also, the administration of this agent uniformly resulted in increased values for TCn2o at rates of osmolal clearance which were associated with decreasing values in the absence of chlorothiazide. The failure of this drug to lower TCH2O at any level of solute excretion is consistent with the previous suggestion that its action is not manifest to any measurable degree in the ascending limb of Henle's loop, and that its primary site of action may be in the distal convolution (2). (However, since factors other than the rate of transport of sodium into the medullary interstitium may be important determinants of the measured TCHO, the exclusion of Henle's loop as a site of action of this drug may not be justified.) These conclusions are in contrast to those of Kessler, Hierholzer, Gurd and Pitts (24) who, by utilizing the "stop flow" method in dogs, concluded that the primary action of chlorothiazide on sodium reabsorption was within the proximal tubule. However, since all "stop flow" urine will ultimately be influenced by its passage through the more distal nephron, a quantitative discrimination of functions which occur both proximally and distally may be difficult. These studies do not exclude the possibility that chlorothiazide, in addition to interfering with the reabsorption of electrolyte, enhances the passive movement of water across the epithelial meml)rane of the distal convolution and collecting duct in a fashion similar to that of ADH. If such were the case, the increases in TCHGO reported here 864 CHLOROTHIAZIDE AND URINARY DILUTION AND CONCENTRATION would necessitate that this agent increase the permeability to water of the distal portions of the nephron to an extent greater than that present during maximal ADH activity. In this study, as well as in those of others, chlorothiazide given during water diuresis never resulted in urinary concentrations as great as those that may be seen when vasopressin is given under similar circumstances (18, 25). The implication, thus, is that these two agents could increase the permeability of the tubular epithelium to water by separate and additive mechanisms. Further, an agent that increases the passive movement of water from the tubular urine should result in decreased urinary volumes with increased concentration of solute. Chlorothiazide uniformly produced an initial increase in urinary volume as the clearance of free water decreased. Since the increased osmolal clearance produced by the drug is quantitatively related to the decreased clearance of free water, it would seem convenient and justified to assign to this agent the single tubular action of interfering with solute reabsorption at sites of urinary di-