Symplectic capacities of domains close to the ball and Banach-Mazur geodesics in the space of contact forms
Alberto Abbondandolo,Gabriele Benedetti,Oliver Edtmair
Abstract:We prove that all normalized symplectic capacities coincide on smooth domains in $\mathbb C^n$ which are $C^2$-close to the Euclidean ball, whereas this fails for some smooth domains which are just $C^1$-close to the ball. We also prove that all symplectic capacities whose value on ellipsoids agrees with that of the $n$-th Ekeland-Hofer capacity coincide in a $C^2$-neighborhood of the Euclidean ball of $\mathbb C^n$. These results are deduced from a general theorem about contact forms which are $C^2$-close to Zoll ones, saying that these contact forms can be pulled back to suitable "quasi-invariant" contact forms. We relate all this to the question of the existence of minimizing geodesics in the space of contact forms equipped with a Banach-Mazur pseudo-metric. Using some new spectral invariants for contact forms, we prove the existence of minimizing geodesics from a Zoll contact form to any contact form which is $C^2$-close to it. This paper also contains an appendix in which we review the construction of exotic ellipsoids by the Anosov-Katok conjugation method, as these are related to the above mentioned pseudo-metric.
Symplectic Geometry,Differential Geometry,Dynamical Systems