Charge-Ordering Breakdown Dynamics and Ferromagnetic Resonance Studies of B-site Cu Diluted Pr 1‒x Sr x MnO 3

A Bordoloi,Suchit Kumar Jena,Priyanka Tiwari,Arjit Datta,Bruno Weise,Rohit Medwal,Rajdeep Singh Rawat,Subhash Thota,A. Bordoloi
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
Abstract:Here, we report the influence of Jahn-Teller active Cu substitution on the charge-ordering characteristics of one of the well-known manganite P r0.45 Sr 0.55 MnO 3 (S55) which exhibits distorted tetragonal structure (I4/mcm symmetry).Magnetization studies reveal that S55 exhibitsferromagnetic (FM) ordering with Curie temperature, TC ~220.5 K, antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering below the Néel temperature T N ~ 207.6 K, and charge-ordering (CO) transition T CO ~ 210 K which are in-line with the specific heat C P (T) data. Below T N , the CO (Mn 3+ ↔ Mn 4+ ) induces long-range AFM order, whereas above T N the FM-ordering driven by the double exchange (DE) interaction leads to a mixed-phase of competing CO-AFM and DE interaction in the region T N < T < T CO , and dominates completely over CO for T > T CO . However, the robust charge-ordering state breakdown altogether with a dilute substitution of Cu at the Mn B-sites resulting in enhanced ferrimagnetic order with T FN ~ 273 K, yet showing large magnetocrystalline anisotropy as confirmed by the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR)studies. Our results reveal that S55 possesses the cationic distribution: (Pr 3+ Sr 2+ ) A [Mn 3+ Mn 4+ ] B O 3 different from the Cu substituted system: (Pr 3+ Sr 2+ ) A [Cu 2+ Mn 3+ Mn 4+ ] B O 3 which is responsible for its diverse magnetic structure metamagnetic transition (H T-Max ~ 8.85 kOe at 180 K) associated with the CO phenomena in S55, first-order nature of the T CO , and the heat capacity (C M = A (T − T N ) −α ) critical exponent α = 0.097 (0.154) in the region T > T N (T < T N ) are consistent with the magnetic structure. The temperature dependence of FMR resonance field ΔH Res (T), peak-to-peak width H PP (T) and Gilbert damping factor α G (T) shows clear anomalies across the T CO and in the morphotropic region (AFM/CO/FM) signifying the important role of admixtured (3+/4+) Mn state. A strong correlation between the FMR α G (T) and switchable magnetic entropy change (∆S Max ~ ‒ 8/+3 J kg −1 K −1 for ∆H = 90 kOe) has been established.
physics, condensed matter
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