Green Routing Game: Strategic Logistical Planning using Mixed Fleets of ICEVs and EVs

Hampei Sasahara,György Dán,Saurabh Amin,Henrik Sandberg
Systems and Control
Abstract:This paper introduces a "green" routing game between multiple logistic operators (players), each owning a mixed fleet of internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) and electric vehicle (EV) trucks. Each player faces the cost of delayed delivery (due to charging requirements of EVs) and a pollution cost levied on the ICEVs. This cost structure models: 1) limited battery capacity of EVs and their charging requirement; 2) shared nature of charging facilities; 3) pollution cost levied by regulatory agency on the use of ICEVs. We characterize Nash equilibria of this game and derive a condition for its uniqueness. We also use the gradient projection method to compute this equilibrium in a distributed manner. Our equilibrium analysis is useful to analyze the trade-off faced by players in incurring higher delay due to congestion at charging locations when the share of EVs increases versus a higher pollution cost when the share of ICEVs increases. A numerical example suggests that to increase marginal pollution cost can dramatically reduce inefficiency of equilibria.
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