Integration of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology into Vocabulary Teaching in Primary School English Lessons
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Abstract:Language consists of words, so it is important to increase the level of vocabulary in any foreign language learning to a certain extent in order to be able to communicate in that language. As for VR, it is seen that this technology is a new research field in education, the use of which in language teaching is closely related to the principle of proximity to life, one of teaching principles. While learning a foreign language, learners should experience situational learning experiences, recognize real-life contexts, and be able to use the language communicatively in these environments, which is a difficult goal to be attained by 2nd-grade primary school students who have not yet reached full proficiency in their native language but started learning a foreign one. In this direction, this study, a pre-test – post-test research with the control group, examined VR’s effect on vocabulary levels and student engagement. The study was conducted in the English lessons of 2nd-grade students from six of the state primary schools in the central district of Çanakkale, Turkey. The results indicated that instruction with VR did not show any significant difference in vocabulary levels compared to current teaching method but encouraged more student engagement in the classroom. Although more extensive research into the topic is essential, it is hoped that the study will shed light on future research on the use of VR technology, which still has leeway to progress and may form the basis of future education in the coming years.