Laser-Plasma Interactions Enabled by Emerging Technologies
J.P. Palastro,F. Albert,B. Albright,T.M. Antonsen Jr.,A. Arefiev,J. Bates,R. Berger,J. Bromage,M. Campbell,T. Chapman,E. Chowdhury,A. Colaïtis,C. Dorrer,E. Esarey,F. Fiúza,N. Fisch,R. Follett,D. Froula,S. Glenzer,D. Gordon,D. Haberberger,B.M. Hegelich,T. Jones,D. Kaganovich,K. Krushelnick,P. Michel,H. Milchberg,J. Moloney,W. Mori,J. Myatt,P. Nilson,S. Obenschain,J. Peebles,J. Peñano,M. Richardson,H. Rinderknecht,J. Rocca,A. Schmitt,C. Schroeder,J. Shaw,L. Silva,D. Strozzi,S. Suckewer,A. Thomas,F. Tsung,D. Turnbull,D. Umstadter,J. Vieira,J. Weaver,M. Wei,S. Wilks,L. Willingale,L. Yin,J. Zuegel
Abstract:An overview from the past and an outlook for the future of fundamental laser-plasma interactions research enabled by emerging laser systems.
Plasma Physics,Optics