Direct measurement of temporal correlations above the spin-glass transition by coherent resonant magnetic x-ray spectroscopy
Jingjin Song,Sheena K.K. Patel,Rupak Bhattacharya,Yi Yang,Sudip Pandey,Xiao M. Chen,M. Brian Maple,Eric E. Fullerton,Sujoy Roy,Claudio Mazzoli,Chandra M. Varma,Sunil K. Sinha
Abstract:In the 1970s a new paradigm was introduced that interacting quenched systems, such as a spin-glass, have a phase transition in which long time memory of spatial patterns is realized without spatial correlations. The principal methods to study the spin-glass transition, besides some elaborate and elegant theoretical constructions, have been numerical computer simulations and neutron spin echo measurements . We show here that the dynamical correlations of the spin-glass transition are embedded in measurements of the four-spin correlations at very long times. This information is directly available in the temporal correlations of the intensity, which encode the spin-orientation memory, obtained by the technique of resonant magnetic x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (RM- XPCS). We have implemented this method to observe and accurately characterize the critical slowing down of the spin orientation fluctuations in the classic metallic spin glass alloy Cu(Mn) over time scales of 1 to 1000 secs. Our method opens the way for studying phase transitions in systems such as spin ices, and quantum spin liquids, as well as the structural glass transition.
Strongly Correlated Electrons,Disordered Systems and Neural Networks