Postcranial pneumaticity in dinosaurs and the origin of the avian lung

Mathew John Wedel
Tissues and Organs
Abstract:In birds, diverticula of the lungs and air sacs pneumatize specific regions of the postcranial skeleton. Relationships among pulmonary components and skeletal regions they pneumatize allow inferences about pulmonary anatomy in non-avian dinosaurs. Fossae, foramina and chambers in the postcranial skeletons of pterosaurs and saurischian dinosaurs are diagnostic for pneumaticity. In basal saurischians only the cervical skeleton is pneumatized, by cervical air sacs. In more derived saurischians pneumatization of posterior dorsal, sacral, and caudal vertebrae indicates abdominal air sacs. Abdominal air sacs in sauropods are also indicated by a pneumatic hiatus (a gap in vertebral pneumatization) in Haplocanthosaurus. Minimally, saurischians had dorsally attached diverticular lungs plus anterior and posterior air sacs, and all the pulmonary prerequisites for flow-through lung ventilation like that of birds. Pneumaticity reduced skeletal mass in saurischians. I propose the Air Space Proportion (ASP) as a measure of proportional volume of air in pneumatic bones. The mean ASP of a sample of sauropod and theropod vertebrae is 0.61, so on average, air occupied more than half the volume of these vertebrae. In Diplodocus, pneumatization lightened the living animal by 7-10 percent, and that does not include extraskeletal diverticula, air sacs, lungs, or trachea. If all these air reservoirs included, the specific gravity of Diplodocus is 0.80, higher than published values for birds but lower than those for squamates and crocodilians. Pneumatization of cervical vertebrae facilitated evolution of long necks in sauropods. Necks longer than nine meters evolved at least four times, in mamenchisaurs, diplodocids, brachiosaurids, and titanosaurs. Increases in the number of cervical vertebrae, their proportional lengths, and their internal complexity occurred in parallel in most of these lineages.
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