Robustness Evaluation for Real Traffic Network from Complex Network Perspective
Lijun Fan,Zhongyuan Jiang,Qiang Wang
International Journal of Modern Physics C
Abstract:Robustness is a critical characteristic of ubiquitous real networked systems which are often very vulnerable to the random failures or targeted attacks. In this work, we aim to evaluate the robustness of a traffic network which is constructed from real trajectory data. First, we divide a city into grids which are considered as nodes and a link is established if there is at least one taxi dispatch order from one grid to another. Second, we propose two categories of attack strategies: node attacks (e.g. random node failure, and degree, in-degree, out-degree, closeness, clustering coefficient, PageRank-based targeted attacks) and link attacks (e.g. random link failure and link weight, link degree, link betweenness-based targeted attacks). Third, we suppose all elements (i.e. node or link) are simultaneously or iteratively removed, and evaluate the network robustness by employing the relative size of the giant components, average clustering coefficient and average shortest path length. The results show that the degree-based targeted attacks are the most destructive among all attacks, and no matter node or link, the betweenness-based attack is the most effective method to be beneficial to the target index. Moreover, most methods with recalculations take priority over the ones without recalculations.