Light-cone gauge approach to arbitrary spin fields, currents, and shadows
R.R. Metsaev
Abstract:Totally symmetric arbitrary spin fields in AdS space, conformal fields, conformal currents, and shadow fields in flat space are studied. Light-cone formulation for such fields, currents, and shadows is obtained. Use of the Poincare parametrization of AdS space allows us to treat fields in flat and AdS spaces on equal footing. Light-cone gauge realization of relativistic symmetries for fields, currents, and shadows is also obtained. The light-cone formulation for fields is obtained by using the gauge invariant Lagrangian which is presented in terms of the modified de Donder divergence, while the light-cone formulation for currents and shadows is obtained by using gauge invariant approach to currents and shadows. This allows us to demonstrate explicitly how ladder operators entering the gauge invariant formulation of fields, currents, and shadows manifest themselves in the light-cone formulation for fields, currents, and shadows.
High Energy Physics - Theory