A necessary and sufficient condition for bound on the sum of a list of real numbers and its applications
Xiwu Yang
Abstract:Let $x_1,...,x_n$ be a list of real numbers, let $s :=\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i$, and
let $h:\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a function. We gave a necessary
and sufficient condition for $s>h(n)$ (respectively, $s<h(n)$). Let $G=(V,E)$
be a graph, let $\{H_1,...,H_n\}$ and $\{V_1,...,V_n\}$ be a decomposition and
a partition of $G$, respectively. $G$ is \emph{generalized periodic} or
\emph{partition-transitive} if for each pair of integers $(i,j), 1\leq i\leq
j\leq n$, there exists an automorphism $\theta_{i,j}$ of $G$ such that
$\theta_{i,j}(H_{i+k})=H_{j+k}$ or $\theta_{i,j}(V_{i+k})=V_{j+k}$ for all $k$,
$1\leq k\leq n$, respectively, where subscripts are taken modulo $n$. Let $f:E
\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and $g:V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be mappings, and let
the \emph{weight} of $f$ or $g$ on $G$ be $\Sigma_{e\in E}f(e)$ or
$\Sigma_{v\in V}g(v)$, respectively. Suppose that parameters $\lambda$ and
$\xi$ of $G$ can be expressed as the minimum or maximum weight of specified $f$
and $g$, respectively. Then our conditions imply a necessary and sufficient
condition for $\lambda(G_1)=h(n)$ (respectively, $\xi(G_2)=h(n)$), where $G_1$
is generalized periodic and $G_2$ is partition-transitive. For example,
$\textrm{cr}(\odot(T^n))=h(n)$, where $\textrm{cr}(\odot(T^n))$ is the crossing
number of a periodic graph $\odot(T^n)$. As applications, we determined the
crossing number of the circulant $C(4n;\{1,4\})$, the paired domination number
of $C_5\Box C_n$ and the upper total domination number of $C_4\Box C_n$.