Increase Ability Elementary School Students in Citizenship Education

Abstract:Research purposes this is for increase performance Study Civics in students educate school base. This study use method literature review. Deep data this study obtained through technique data collection in the form of something conceptual framework or orientation for do analysis or classification facts collected in research carried out from sources references (books, journals, papers). Activity in Study teach is Suite activities that include liveliness student in follow lesson, ask things that haven't clear, note, listen, think, read, and everything activities that can be carried out increase performance study. Study while do activity more lots bring results for child educate, because impressions obtained by children educate more stored inside for a long time thought child educate, so that participants educate school base own ability such as : Thinking in a way critical and rational since early, participate in life society , and have mark culture and character nation. character building is something a must option optimized in system education in Indonesia.
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