Consumer awareness of digital media marketing in india
Yashoda R,Dr Sunitha R
Journal of Management and Science
Abstract:The Industrial Revolution and the development in the International Trade and Commerce, Communication and Information Technology have led to the vast expansion of business and trade. As a result, variety of consumer goods have appeared in the market to cater to the needs of the consumers and a host of services have been made available to the consumers like Insurance, Transport, Electricity, Housing, Entertainment, Finance, Banking and the like. The market is becoming more and more complicated today. Technological Development, intensive marketing strategies, entry of multinational corporations, globalization, quality of governance, scarce natural resources have all compounded to make the position of today’s market is so complicate and the position of today’s consumer vulnerable and many a times weak..Promotion of products has become an increasingly important component in the new digital age, mostly thanks to digital marketing. The traditional form of marketing is lagging behind digital marketing, which offers users new opportunities like personalized messages or answers to a search query. There are several ways to advertise on the internet, and in this paper, ways and tools will be presented that allow digital advertising as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Specifically, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, display advertising, social networking marketing and e-mail marketing will be discussed. Also, the goal of the paper is to enable more efficient creation and implementation of similar contents in new business environmentsthrough an insight into internet advertising, social and business networks.