Analysis of the Influence of Physical Attractiveness, Attitude Homophily, and Social Unattractiveness on Purchase Intention through Credibility and Parasocial Interaction on Selebgram Monika Chai in Medan
Nicolas C. Nicolas C.,Ronald Suryaputra,Amelia Amelia,,,
Abstract:The internet and social media are now very advanced and sophisticated, not only facilitating daily activities but also being able to make money and create several new jobs that are currently in great demand, namely celebrity programs. The object of research in this study is the celebrity Monika Chai. This research was conducted to determine the effect of Physical Attractiveness, Social Unattractiveness and Attitude Homophily on Parasocial Interaction and Credibility and the effect of Parasocial Interaction and Credibility on Purchase Intention on Monika Chai's Instagram followers in Medan, Indonesia. The approach used in this research is a quantitative approach with a causal-comparative research method. The data collection technique used was to distribute questionnaires through the snowball sampling technique (non- probability sampling method) with a Likert scale based on 5 points. This research was conducted on 100 respondents with male and female characteristics, aged 18- 60 years, domiciled in Medan, and have followed Monika Chai’s Instagram account for at least the last 3 months. The results of the analysis of the Structural Equation Model (SEM) using AMOS version 22.0 software show that the Credibility variable has no significant effect on the Purchase Intention variable, the Parasocial Interaction variable has a significant effect on the Purchase Intention variable, the Physical Attractiveness variable has no significant effect on the Parasocial Interaction variable, the Social Unattractiveness has no significant effect on the Parasocial Interaction variable, Attitude Homophily variable has no significant effect on the Parasocial Interaction variable, Physical Attractiveness has no significant effect on the Credibility variable, Attitude Homophily has a significant effect on the Credibility variable, and Social Unattractiveness has no significant effect on the Credibility variable.